Page 62 of Tempted

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Julie leaned into Manny’s shoulder, and Lucy swore the man practically levitated out of the chair. “Seems Hoyt is becoming quite the relationship guru.”

“Considering Betsy agreed to go on a date with him and skip trivia night, I’d say he’s practically a prophet,” Bea said with a smile.

“I can fill in,” Manny offered. “I’m pretty good at the geography stuff, sports heroes, and gangster cinema.”

“We’ll think about it,” Gigi replied. “Give us some time to catch up, and then we’ll let you know.”

“Good enough.” Manny gave Julie a hopeful smile. “See you in a little bit.”

Julie nodded, and Lucy noticed a small smile decorating the woman’s face. Perhaps the two would make a good pair. “Should we let him fill in?”

“We can discuss that in a minute,” Bea said as she leaned in. “First, I want to know what is happening with Ken. Did he commit any heinous acts?”

“No,” she replied with frustration. “It’s weird, and I don’t understand the sudden good behavior. It’s been far too quiet.”

“Do you think he had a spiritual awakening?” Bea asked.

“That is physically, emotionally, and psychically impossible for someone with his genetic makeup,” Gigi said firmly. “Centuries of white male privilege have been bred into his bones, and the very notion that he isn’t one hundred percent perfect is not a concept he’d ever entertain.”

“True,” Lucy said quietly. “I guess it’s time to leave it be.”

“We could always go old school and talk loudly about the bark and no bite syndrome he suffers from,” Julie added.

“I’m tempted,” Lucy said with longing.

“Absolutely not,” Bea said firmly. “There is no way to escape the karma police.”

“Fine, let’s assume he’s had a lobotomy and somehow forgotten what he put in motion.” When she received disbelieving stares from the group, she let out a huff. “Let’s face it; the fun part is the plotting and planning. We can leave it be and refocus our attention on something worthwhile.”

“Executing is fun, too,” Gigi said plaintively.

Before Lucy could come up with something that would make Gigi feel better, the puffed-up prince of bad behavior strolled in. “He never comes to trivia night.”

The table turned, and she knew that if Ken weren’t so self-involved, he would feel the full weight of disdain the women shot in his direction.

“Maybe he thought the cloak and dagger thing lacked drama and decided to go with more of a showdown in the O.K. Corral vibe,” Julie said as she turned. “His ego is big enough to require an audience.”

“Why does there have to be anything?” Lucy asked with exasperation. “We dated, we fought, we broke up. Big deal.”

“The frail male ego is not something we’re ever going to understand,” Bea replied. “His aura is gray. He thrives on control. And you snatched that out of his hands when you ended things.”

“He didn’t even like me that much.”

“That is beside the fact.”

“I don’t want to give him another moment of my precious energy.” Lucy refilled everyone’s glasses and then lifted hers. “Here’s to trivia night and good friends.” She clinked glasses with the women and mentally evicted Ken from her thoughts. There were far more exciting things to occupy her time.

“Can’t believe the mighty Lucy Bennett needed someone else to fight her battles.”

“Here we go,” Gigi murmured as Ken’s loud voice could be heard over the din of the crowd.

“What is he blathering about?” Lucy said as she turned.

“Maybe your queen-of-the-world act is bullshit.”

“Did he forget his medication?” Bea asked the group.

Lucy pushed her chair away from the table and stood slowly, praying for the patience she knew didn’t exist. The last thing she wanted to do was be provoked into a verbal battle with Ken. They’d provided more than enough fodder for the town during the months they dated, and she didn’t think adding to it was necessary. “If you would like to share your thoughts, please feel free to write a missive and send it my way.” She swept her arm around the room. “I’m sure no one is interested in hearing you shout.”
