Page 70 of Tempted

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“Yes.” She pulled him closer and shifted her hips. “You make me feel like I’m the only woman in the world.”

“You are, Lucy.” He slid himself out of her heat and flipped them over in one smooth move. When she was on top of him with her hair spilling over her shoulders, he nodded in satisfaction. “Show me what you like.”

Easing down, she peppered his face with kisses as she took as much of him as she could. “Just this, Linc.”

He ran a finger over her milky skin and watched her move confidently. This is the feeling that he’d been chasing—completeness.

Lucy made him feel whole.

Increasing the rhythm, he showed her with his body that she was the piece that completed his puzzle.

They imploded together, and he could see nothing but a kaleidoscope of colors. “I love you, Lucy. Now and forever.”

Their heavy breaths filled the room, and he told himself she would return the sentiment when the time was right.

An hour later, Linc sat at the small table in Lucy’s apartment and was more sated than he’d ever been. “Thank you for the incredible meal.”

“You’re welcome.” She refilled his glass and sat back. “I’m just sorry it took me so long to do it.”

“Well worth the wait.” He lifted his glass and held it up. “To new beginnings.”

“And fresh starts.” She clinked their glasses and then looked out the small window. “I am sorry for overreacting.”

“I shouldn’t have butted my nose into your business.” He crossed his arms. “I didn’t mean to undermine your confidence or send a message that I didn’t believe in you.”

“I understand that now.” She took his hand. “I might’ve been covering my fear with anger. In my heart, I know that you are a good person and wouldn’t intentionally do anything to hurt my feelings.”

“Thank you for saying that, sweetheart. I’ve got a lot to learn and will do my best not to make the same mistake twice.”

“Well, I can’t make the same guarantee since I like to make one five or six times just to be sure.”

“Guess that will keep things interesting.”

Lucy nodded and looked down at her plate. “Are you ready for a partner who doesn’t always follow the rules?”

“In theory, yes.” He leaned forward. “But I don’t want to lie to you. If I think you’re in danger, then I will intervene.”

“Can you define this alleged intervention?” She twisted her mouth together. “Are you going to try and clip my wings and make me live by some outdated cultural norms that benefit the patriarchy and the status quo?”

“No, I was talking more along the lines of keeping you bullet-free, out of the hands of miscreants, and free of long jail sentences.”

“I guess that would be okay.” She patted his hand. “Sort of like my personal bodyguard.”

“Absolutely. I will guard your person.”

“I’ve read several sexy romantic adventure books that feature a broody bodyguard with bulging muscles. Maybe we can role-play a scene or two.”

He chuckled and knew that the Creator was raining blessings with abandon. “If that’s what you want, sweetheart, then I would be happy to participate.”

“Good.” Folding a napkin, she set it next to her dessert dish. “About what you said earlier.”


She raised her gaze and leaned forward. “I love you, too.”

Feeling like the wind had been knocked out of him, he sat back. Was it possible that he’d heard wrong? Did this beautiful firework feel similarly?

“Are you okay?”
