Page 8 of Tempted

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Linc couldn’t have stopped the smile from spreading across his face if he wanted to. Lucy Bennett was as enticing as she’d been the previous evening and twice as riled up if he weren’t mistaken.

Crossing his arms, he watched her stride toward her store and noted that each powerful strike of her sky-high gold heel against the ground let him and the world know she meant business and wouldn’t be trifled with.

Which, for the record, was sexy as hell. So was the thick cloud of fearlessness that followed in her wake. Thekill the Krakenvibe she was shooting off could prove to be a bit of an obstacle, but what the hell; he hadn’t taken on a worthwhile challenge in ages.

He crossed the street with a wide smile and trailed her into the bookstore, an action that proved his fascination with the edge of reason hadn’t totally dissipated. Stopping just inside the door, he surveyed the small establishment. The front was beautifully curated with interesting book displays and tidy shelves. The back appeared to be straight out of an English spy movie. The lighting was dim, the shelves were laden with books arranged helter-skelter, and the floor featured an interesting slope. “Just out of curiosity, how many dead bodies have you got buried in the back?”

He watched her turn and wondered if her cocked hip would be the only visible reaction to his inquiry. “Just round it up if you want.”

“Well into the double digits, if you must know.”

“I like me a woman who knows how to handle trouble.” Her enormous eyes blinked twice, and her expression of annoyance shifted into a whisper of a smile. Liking the change in attitude, he ambled in her direction, stopping a polite half a foot away. “Since the love thing is a no-go, should I assume you’d be open to friendship?”

Lucy folded her hands against her full skirt. “We were unable to get through forty minutes of chit-chat where alcohol was present; why would you want to become friends?”

“A rough start isn’t the end of things.”

Lucy snorted. “That shows what you know. Why are you interested in starting anything with me?”

“You ever meet someone and instantly think, that one… that’s the person who can ruin me.”

She pursed her lips and looked past his shoulder. “I can’t recall.”

“Which means you absolutely have.” He leaned his hip against a display table. “I think our little tit-for-tat at your sister’s soiree was a sign that we’re dealing with some powerful, albeit inconvenient, chemistry.”

“That’s ludicrous.” She straightened a stack of books. “A statement like that is pure fiction.” She gave him a polite smile. “Perhaps you should consider putting pen to paper and making use of that magical world you live in.”

“I’m not opposed to trying something creative for a second act, but doubt I have what it takes to make a real go of it.”

“What sort of other options do you have, if not the Hemingway gig?”

“This and that.”

“How very illuminating.”

The honeyed tone of the response was at odds with the annoyed vibe that accompanied it. The woman’s ever-changing weather pattern wasn’t for the faint of heart, and he decided that would work in his favor and keep the less able suitors at bay.

And yeah, he knew without being in possession of actual facts that the woman had a busload somewhere.

“Anyway, I need to get back to work.” She leaned to the left. “Oh look, there are several local beauties hovering just outside the door. Perhaps I can introduce you, and they can offer their warm welcomes.”

Linc glanced over his shoulder and saw three ladies studying the display of flying books that dominated the front window. “I appreciate the generous offer but will pass.” He gave the women a short wave and then returned his attention to the book lady, who was zigging when he zagged. “I’ve set my sights and don’t see anything altering it.”


Linc put up his hand. “I can be a stubborn son of a bitch, so the chances of my mind changing are not real good, and I’d hate for you to waste your time trying.”

“And who exactly is in your sights?”

“You, of course.” He watched annoyance and confusion color her pretty features and knew that the Almighty planned on putting him through his paces. Nothing about him and Lucy getting together would be easy, so the best thing he could do was gird his loins and prepare for a skirmish of a lifetime.

“That doesn’t make any sense.” She fluttered her hand toward the window. “You clearly possess the special sauce that makes women go wild. There’s no reason to waste your time on someone who is in a life reset and has sworn off naughty shenanigans.”

“So, your lack of interest has nothing to do with alackof attraction, then?”

Lucy rolled her eyes. “Good Lord, must you have confirmation that everyone under a hundred finds you dreamy?” She stepped back. “It must be some strange Hawker genetic marker because your cousin, Asher, suffers from the same affliction.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about but can confirm that I have no use for other people’s opinions.”

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