Page 9 of Tempted

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“That’s a non-answer, but I don’t have the interest or time to dissect the underlying meaning.” She flicked a piece of lint off his T-shirt and smoothed a wrinkle. “I am quite busy.”

Loving the small gesture, he bit back a satisfied smile. “So, back to the friend thing, did you give me a yes or a no?”

“One can never have too many, and I’ll happily host a social event and introduce you around.”

“Sure, Lucy. You go ahead and organize whatever you want. But know that my earlier statement still stands.” Having no desire to ignore his inclination to be closer to the woman, he stepped in. “I hope my plain talk doesn’t make you uncomfortable.”

She shook her hair out. “Do I look like a woman who would be unsettled by a man’s clear communication?”

“No,” he said with a low chuckle. “I’m guessing you could handle anything thrown your way, including a last-minute invasion of a small Baltic nation.”

Stifling a laugh, she bit her bottom lip. “I haven’t staged a coup d’état in ages. I’m just a small-town bookstore owner.”

“That’s like saying Beyonce has one or two hit songs.” He liked the dimple the compliment produced and wondered who or what was responsible for the bad run she’d experienced. It certainly had to be formidable because she didn’t seem like a woman who would easily be knocked off her stride. Deciding he needed to acquire intel before making his next move, he stepped back. “I should let you get on with your morning.”

“Yes, of course.” She gave him a short nod. “Have a lovely day, Mr. Hawker.”

“You too, Ms. Bennett.” He strode toward the door, decided the stage had been set as well as it could, and prayed one of his cousins was in possession of something that would be useful in his pursuit of the crown jewel of Haven.


The following day, Lucy strode toward Gigi’s catering empire and thought about all the beading supplies that her favorite Amazon driver had delivered. A dozen ideas crowded her brain, and she didn’t know which thing she wanted to bedazzle first. Sighing happily, she was relieved to have something other than Linc Hawker to occupy her thoughts.

The confounding man had captured far too much of her attention, and she wondered why she wasn’t more immune to his charms. Could she lay the blame on the dumpster fire of a situationship she’d had with Ken? It seemed as reasonable a place to park the culpability as any other, so she metaphorically placed the blame squarely at the scoundrel’s feet.

Not wanting to waste another second of thought on the tiresome gender, she counted her many blessings and caught her reflection in the window of Bea’s yoga studio. No doubt her exquisite taste in shoes should top the list, and wasn’t she wearing a fine example of that talent today? She lovingly studied the pink lizard sling backs she’d chosen and congratulated herself for picking them since they were as powerful a mood lifter as anything that came in a pill jar.

She thought about stopping for a chat with Bea but saw that she was busy with a customer, so she continued toward Gigi’s beautiful store. Once inside, she cut through the labyrinth that led to the large commercial kitchen and pushed through the doors. “Hello, friend.”

Gigi’s mass of curls bounced when she looked up. “I can’t wait until this charcuterie fad passes.” She held up a tightly rolled piece of salami. “I’ve been having dreams about spirals of meat unraveling. All anyone wants to order anymore are piles of cheese, olives, dried fruit, and cured meat.”

“I’m sorry. I know you prefer to create one of your many masterpieces.” She gave Gigi a side hug and looked down at the row of cones and boxes. “If I were more adept at arranging nibbles, I’d offer to help.”

“I appreciate it but can’t risk any more complaints from Felicia Kilburn.” She swept her hand around. “God forbid these are not worthy of an art exhibit.”

“At least you have the comfort of knowing that she spreads her complaints to almost everyone she encounters.”

“As much as something like that helps.” Gigi placed the perfectly coiled cured meat next to a strawberry. “I dearly miss the days of puff pastry and complicated sauces.”

“Let me see what I can do about talking Grams into hosting a party with a full hot buffet.”

“Thank you; I’d love to make a memorable feast for Margret.” She leaned back and squinted her eyes. “Something is on your mind. Has Ken upped his game and started standing outside your window at night?”

Lucy picked up a piece of cheese from the reject pile and nibbled it. She hadn’t been able to get anything past Gigi since the fourth grade and didn’t think this was the day to change that. “If you must know, the latest Hawker arrival has me a bit out of sorts.”

“I ran into him yesterday and can see why.” She fanned herself and then laughed. “He’s a Stern Brunch Daddy.”

“What in the world is that?” she asked curiously.

“Think alphahole meets cinnamon roll. An SBD has the kind, supportive nature of a cinnamon roll and the fierce protectiveness of a typical alpha.”

“How did I not know about this?”

“Not sure since Andie Christopher coined the term,” Gigi replied. “Isn’t she one of your favorite authors?”


“I saw the term on Frolic or some other insta post. She described the SBD as a man with a dominating personality that exhibits firm kindness in public but unleashes pure animal instinct sexually. Apparently, it’s the favored hero trope in Romancelandia.”
