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I hugged and kissed the other ladies goodbye, then watched as they walked away. Their laughter echoing in the air and easy way with each other gave me a sense of nostalgia and longing.

Staying in Seaside was never part of my plan, but neither was staying away for so long. Being here again makes me realize how much I miss the closeness, community, and family. And as I walked to the truck, I couldn’t help but wonder if this longing to belong will follow me back to my real life.



Theaand I went for our weekly hike later than usual and it was full dusk by the time we stepped off the trail. I tried to convince myself that we headed out late because it was hot outside, but deep inside I know the truth. I didn’t want to run into Adam. I’m not sure he’s been there since the day we saw him, but why take the chance?

“Come on, girl.”

I opened the back door and Thea jumped inside. She shook her head then sat and gave her ear a good scratch.

“Crap. I meant to bring some ear cleaner home yesterday. I knew we were running low and we used the last of it this morning.” I got behind the wheel and started the car. “We’ll stop by the clinic on the way home and grab some.”

Thea napped during the short ride, but got up to come inside with me. The cleaning crew was here earlier so when I opened the door, the smell of disinfectant drifted out making her sneeze. That didn’t stop her from giving every space she walked by a thorough sniffing.

I took a bottle of ear cleaner off the shelf and left a Post-It note, letting Ginny know. She keeps a tight inventory on all supplies and I don’t want to take the chance I’ll forget to tell her in the morning.

After locking up, we headed back to the car.

“Let’s go home.”

When I pressed the button to start the car, instead of the engine coming to life, it just made a clicking noise. I pressed the button again and unfortunately got the same result.


I looked around the empty parking lot, then back at Thea. She tilted her head as if to ask what we’re going to do. My knowledge of car engines is limited to how to check the oil, so I’m not even going to lift the hood and take a look. I’m pretty sure that’s not the issue and anything else is totally out of my wheelhouse.

Scrolling through my phone, I found the number for Harper’s Garage. As I’d anticipated on a Sunday night, I got his voicemail. I left a message, letting Art know my car won’t start and that he can pick it up in the clinic’s parking lot when he gets a chance.

I shoved the ear cleaner into my purse, then stepped out of the car and opened the back door to let Thea out.

“What do you think? Should we call someone or just walk home?”

She wagged her tail, seemingly up for either. Since I hate asking for help when I can do something myself, I decided on option number two.

I reached inside and grabbed Thea’s leash, then leaned down to put it on her.

“Come on,” I said, giving her a big hug. “Let's go home. The sooner we start walking, the sooner we get there.”

She trotted along happily, sniffing the grass at the edge of the road. I alternated between letting her explore and keeping her on course. It’s a three-mile walk and I’d like to get home before dawn and without giving Thea direction, that’s how long it will take us.

The cool night air offered a welcome respite from the heat of the day. A soft breeze played through my hair, cascading the loose strands across my face. I shifted my wrist through the loop of Thea’s leash and fished around in my purse for a scrunchie. Once I found it…at the bottom of course…I gathered my hair and secured it into a haphazard ponytail.

As we walked along, I had to tug on the leash a few times to keep Thea moving. It’s gotten darker, but I can still see enough that I don’t need to use the torch on my phone. Which is a good thing because my battery is getting low.

Thea wandered off to the side and my arm raised as she tried to move beyond the length of the leash. I pulled, but instead of moving back toward me, she sat.

“Come on, girl.”

Her head moved as I tugged again, but the rest of her body stayed firmly in place.

I walked over to pet her head.

“What’s the matter?”

She looked up at me then licked my hand. I knelt down and spoke softly trying to coax her into moving.
