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“It won’t take us too much longer to get home,” I said. “Then you can have a bone.”

Not only didn’t she stand, she laid down then rested her head on her paws and looked up at me with big brown eyes. It’s pretty obvious Thea is done walking for the moment and picking her up and carrying her definitely isn’t an option.

I sighed and looked around the deserted road, considering my options. Eventually she’ll start moving again, but I don’t want to just sit here and wait. There are a few people I can call to come get us, starting with Eve. She and Max had dinner plans tonight, but they should be home by now.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I scrolled to her number.

“Last chance,” I said to Thea. “I’m calling Eve to come and get us if you don’t get your butt up and start walking.”

She wagged her tail but stayed in place.

“All right.”

I pressed the phone icon to connect the call just as headlights appeared in the distance behind me.


“Hey, are you busy?”

“Not really. Why?”

“I stopped at the clinic and my car wouldn’t start so I decided to walk home. Thea and I were about a mile into the journey when she decided she was too tired to go on.”

The lights continued to grow brighter as the vehicle approached. I glanced out of the corner of my eye, but still got blinded. I did manage to see the outline of a truck, but no more details than that.

“Why didn’t you call me before? I would have come to get you,” she said. “Where are you?”

I heard Max in the background asking her what’s going on. She filled him in as the truck slowed down a few feet behind me.

“Hold on, Eve. There’s a truck pulling over.”

“Where are you?”

This time the question was tinged with a bit of hysteria.

I told her my approximate location just in case whoever is in the truck turns out to be a serial killer.

The truck pulled right next to me and I groaned when I realized who was driving. Of all the people in Seaside, why is Adam the one driving by us right now?

After shifting the truck into park, he rested his elbow against the open window and looked me in the eye.

"Hey, Summer. You two need a ride?"

* * *


With the phoneheld up to her ear, she frowned and asked, “What are you doing here?”

I chuckled.

“I’m not the one walking around in the dark.” I glanced at Thea. “Or more accurately, trying to convince my dog to walk in the dark.”

As if she knew I was talking about her, Thea stood and rested her paws on the door. She’d had a big smile on her face but when I started rubbing her ears, it got bigger.

“Hey girl, how’s your paw?” She rested the body part in question on my hand. “Looks good.”

Whoever was on the phone was talking, but I couldn’t make out the words. Summer seemed to forget she was even on the phone. I shifted my eyes toward it then back at her.
