Page 46 of Fallen God

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“She won't take my calls.”

“So you’ve given up already huh? She isn't worth fighting for?” Erik's eyes narrowed. “God Dion, I thought after the fight you put up to be with her back in Vegas that you would have.” He shook his head. “Especially now.”

“I do want to be with her. I'm in hell without her.” I froze. “What do you mean especially now?

Erik's face shut down completely.

“Erik what the fuck do you mean especially now? What's wrong with Lola?”

Waving his hand, like he could sweep his words away, Erik tried to smile. “It's nothing, Dion. Nothing to worry about. But please talk to her.”

I didn't believe him but it was clear that he wasn't going to elaborate.

“Has there been an accident?” Although I was pretty sure I would have heard about it, if there had been. “Is she still sick?” That had to be it. She was still sick. She had the flu or something. It would explain why she had gone home to her mother and why she wasn't returning my calls. Maybe she had come down with a virus or something.

“Just talk to her, Dion. Make the effort.”

“Easier said than done.” I mumbled.

“She's going to be at mine tomorrow. At least I think she is.” Erik paused. “Just make the effort Dion, and promise me one thing.”

I didn't reply

“Make sure you’re fucking sober when you do it.”


Turning every which way, I surveyed myself in the full–length mirror hanging over the door in my childhood bedroom. “I'm not sure,” I mumbled, smoothing my hands down over my stomach.

From her place lounging on the bed, Elodie straightened. “You look stunning, and it's much too early to worry about showing or anything like that.”

I frowned at myself in the mirror. Showing? The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. She was right, of course it was too soon, but now she had said it, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Idly, I let my fingers skim over the satin.

“Stop it.” From her perch on the bed, Elodie groaned. “You look fantastic. Now put your shoes on and let's get out of here.” Her eyes drifted past me to the closed door. “If I have to hear your stepdad moan about Louis one more time, I may say something I'll regret.” She grinned ruefully. “Ok maybe I won't regret it because that man is a class A asshole but, can we please get going?”

“I’m not sure I should be going at all, Elodie.” And there it was, the truth. Erik's annual New Year’s eve party was a big deal, and it was an honour to be invited. But it would mean seeing Dion, and I wasn't sure I was ready for that. I knew sooner or later I would have to muster up the courage and tell him, but I had thought it would be when we were alone.

Shouldn't a guy find out he was going to be a dad without having all of his friends and family there as spectators? I didn't know what his reaction was going to be.

What if it caused him to drink again? Elodie had promised me that he hadn’t had a drop since Christmas Eve, and I didn’t want to be the reason he felt he needed to now. There was something about me that caused Dion to act out.

“You're going.” There was no room for argument in Elodie’s tone and I let out a sigh.

“I'm just not much in the party spirit.”

“Tough.” With a bounce, she was off the bed and had her arms wrapped around me. “I know you're scared, babe. I get that, but you don't need to be. Dion is and always will be crazy about you and when he sees you in that dress, he's going to want to rip it off and make babies–” She chuckled. “Well, more babies anyway. And you don't need to worry. No one is going to say a word until you're ready.”

I blinked at her in surprise. “The others know?”

For a second, Elodie had the good graces to look abashed. “Not everyone, just me, Jax, Celia and Erik.” She met my eyes. “Erik needed to know love, and of course, Legacy knows. But he's been sworn to secrecy and won't tell anyone.”

Sworn to secrecy, I frowned. She'd been sworn to secrecy as well, and yet everyone seemed to know. If Legacy knew, then it stood to reason that he had mentioned it to people, which meant Chance had probably heard.

Had Dion?

Was that the reason why his calls had stopped? Had he found out and was now so mad at me that he was ghosting me?

Wrapping my arms around myself, I shivered. “I can't do this.”
