Page 45 of Fallen God

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“Her parents but you would know that if you called her, you know maybe once.” The loathing dripped off her tone. And I hated it. I hated that this slip of a girl, who was barely out of her teens could talk to me like that. Like she had the right to when I was for all intents and purposes I was her employer,

“I've called her.” My voice came out whiny. “She never picks up.”

For a second Celia stared at me. “I'd say take that as a massive hint but,” Her lips twisted. “Just be patient, she will come round I'm sure.”

“Will she? I messed up pretty badly.”

“Yes you did.”Erik appeared in his office doorway. The tall blonde avenging angel in his designer suit. It didn't matter if it was the no man's time days between Christmas and New Year Erik was here, working. Helping us make our millions. There was no rest for the wicked as they said or in this case no rest for those that worked for the wicked.

He eyed me with his icy blues. “You look like shit, are you still drinking?”

“Not since that night.” I held up my hands, like it would show him I was free from all alcohol bottles. I didn't think he would expect me to try and sneak in booze but I'd done stupid things before and he knew it. I wanted him to know I was trying at least. I wanted them all to know but most of all I wanted to tell Lola.

“Babysitting crew have been doing their job.”

“No one asked them to man sit you Dion.” Celia snapped and I liked her even less than I had before. For a slip of a girl she had a big mouth on her and she wasn't afraid to open it and tell everyone, namely me what she thought.

“They did it because they love you and because they care. Why else would they give their break to look after your sorry ass.” Her black rimmed eyes found Erik who was scowling at her and she shrugged again. “Sorry, but someone needs to tell him straight.”

“Yeah and that someone is me and not you Celia.”

Her defiant young face fell. It happened in an instant. Her bravado literally crumpled. I watched it amazed as her eyes shone with tears. They didn't spill over but it was close. And it made me wonder, why Erik had that effect on her when she was all piss and vinegar with the rest of us.

Because he was her boss, and she was scared of him and the fact he could fire her at any minute or was it something else? Did little Celia have a crush on her boss?

“In that case can I go?” There it was again, the young foolish bravado. Leaving back I waited for Erik to explode at her. He would have done it if it was any of us. Erik was a no nonsense kind of guy. He had to be, to deal with us.

To my surprise, Erik smiled. “Of course Celia. Thank you for doing what I asked. It shows some commitment to the job that you came in on your day off.”

Raising an eyebrow I watched as he walked her out.

“No problem Erik.”

“Hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow at the party”

Celia paused at the elevator, her hand outstretched so the door didn't shut on her. “You want me to come to your New Year's eve party?”

There was so much longing in her voice that I chuckled. “Yeah, commitment to her work is what it is.” I mumbled under my breath. A recovering drunk I might be but I could see what was right in front of my face.

Celia had the major feels for Erik.

“Of course I do. You're part of the team aren't you? Drive safe Celia and I'll see you tomorrow.” he waved her goodbye with the most clueless look on his face before turning back to me. “Does she remind you of anyone?” he asked when the elevator doors chimed shut.

I opened my mouth to say love sick puppy and shut it again. Who was I to take the piss when I was ten times worse. At least Celia had the good graces to be young and clueless about love. I didn't.

“Isla.” he carried on. “She reminds me of Isla when we were younger. The anger, the –” He chuckled. “God, I don't know but she reminds me of her. Hopefully she grows out of it Not that Isla ever did.” His eyes alighted on me. “About Isla.” The jovial tone disappeared from his voice like it had never been there to begin with, He was suddenly all business. “What is going on between you two?”


He raised an eyebrow. “Nothing huh? But you invited her to–”

Cutting him off I jumped to my feet and began to pace. “I invited her because she's one of my oldest friends. That's all. I am not in love with Isla. I don't want to be with Isla. but she needs friends and–”

“What about Lola? It was only a few weeks ago that you were telling me you wanted to marry her. What changed?”

“Nothing changed.” And nothing had changed. I still wanted to be with Lola. I wanted her to wear my ring on her finger and be mine. It was just hard to move forward when she wouldn't even talk to me. I didn't know how to get past it.

“Does Lola know? Know that you still want to be with her, I mean? Have you told her?”
