Page 50 of Fallen God

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She sipped gratefully, and this time her throat moved as she swallowed. “I don't feel so great. Think I need to go home.” She swayed slightly. A bead of sweat dripped from her hairline. “Or to the bathroom.”

“I can drive you if you like?” Rake was still there, hovering around.

“Don't drink any more of that.” I slapped the glass out of her hand. It fell to the floor and smashed, the liquid inside spilling all over Erik's hard hardwood floors. Lola let out a cry.

Jumping to my feet, I fisted Rake’s shirt in my hands, drawing him up onto his tiptoes. From every corner of the room, bikers seemed to materialise. We were their employers, but Rake was, or soon would be, one of them.

Behind me, Lola retched. A wet gagging noise, and it was all the evidence I needed. Twisting my hands cruelly, I drew the younger man into my space. “What the fuck did you give her?” Spittle flew from my mouth. “And don't bother saying nothing. I saw you.” I shook him violently. I knew something was off when he had swapped glasses, and the fact that Lola was behind me gagging just went to prove it.

“Did you spike my woman and think I wouldn't notice how shady you were acting?”

Rake’s fingers clawed at my hands, but I didn't loosen my grip.

“Shit man, I didn't do anything.” He choked out. “I wouldn't do that to–” His words were cut off and his eyes bugged out of his head as I tightened my grip.

“I fucking saw you. I saw you!”

“Let him go.” Chance was suddenly there, trying to prize my hands off. But not even the head of our security would be able to get me off Rake. Everyone was lucky I hadn't killed him yet. If Lola had drunk more than she had, I would have. He had tried to hurt her. Tried to drug her and get her alone and there was only one reason a man did that. The thought made me want to puke.

“Not going to happen. You either sort this, Chance, or I will.”

“I asked him to get her a different drink,” Chance said calmly. “This ‘aint what you think it is, Dion. No one is trying to hurt Lola. No one would fucking dare to try.”

My fingers didn't loosen, but I turned my eyes on him. Chance had been with us a long time. We trusted him with more than our safety. He knew all our secrets as well. His betrayal stung.

“It's water, Dion, just water.”

Slowly, I blinked. “Water? Bullshit.” I twisted the fabric one more time and Rake choked. “If Lola wanted water, she would have asked for it. She wouldn't have been drinking Tate's vodka concoctions.”

“She hasn't been drinking vodka, or anything else, Dion. Now, let the boy go so we can go somewhere more private and I can explain.”

“You can explain it now. If she wanted water, why wouldn’t she have said?”

Chance rolled his eyes. “Because she didn't want to answer the questions it would raise.”

“Questions?” God, what the fuck was going on? Nothing made sense. “Will someone fucking tell me what’s going on before I start swinging?”

Behind me, I heard the faintest of rustles and knew that Lola had stood up. Her hand shook as she curled it around my bicep. Her voice wobbled, but the words were clear enough.

“Rake switched it to water because I'm pregnant.”


You could have heard a pin drop. The moment the words left my mouth, the whole place seemed to grow silent.

It was deafening, but not as deafening as Dion's silence. He didn't make a sound. He didn't even move. It was like he was frozen in place with Rake's shirt still gripped in his hands. I didn’t know what I was expecting, but his total lack of reaction wasn't it. And it scared me. Dion was a passionate man. He should have reacted. The absolute silence that wrapped around him was terrifying.

“Dion?” Erik's arm curled around my waist, holding me up. I didn't know where he had come from, but I was suddenly glad of his presence. Everyone was looking at me with their mouths open. My brother's face was twisted in anger, but it was Dion's silence that hurt the most. “Shall we take this somewhere more private?”

“No.” The word ripped its way out of Dion's mouth and I swallowed hard. There was so much anger in that one word. Slowly, he came back to life. His grip loosened and his shoulders slumped, but he still didn't turn.

Chance spoke up. “This ‘ain't the time or place to discuss this, Dion. And Lola needs to get some air. Come on, man.”

Dion remained motionless. “Are you really pregnant?”

“Yes,” I whispered, my eyes glued to his wide back. “I didn't want to tell you like this–”

He cut me off. “Is it mine?”
