Page 56 of Fallen God

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“Dionysus Rising!” The fist pumping youth screamed from the back and I caught Lola smiling from her place crouched down on the floor next to her class.

Laughing, I nodded. “Yeah, Dionysus Rising.” I made another mental note to find out who the kid was before we left. “And we are here today because there's someone here that's really important to me. Do you all know who this handsome devil is?” Twisting, I pointed to Louis.

“Yo kids.” Louis gave them all a totally rockstar head nod, his blond hair flashing.

“Anyway, his name is Louis Michaelson and–”

“Oh, Miss!” A girl half way back called out. “That's the same as your name.”

An excited ripple of whispers swept through the hall and again I had to wait for them to settle down.

“Yeah, Miss Michaelson is our drummer's little sister. She's pretty important to him,” I continued. “But he’s not the only one here who loves her.” I sighed theatrically. “You see, I am totally in love with her. Like completely head over heels. You know when the prince finds his princess and–”

Giggles and whispers erupted all around me.

I bit back the urge to hush them again. I knew it wouldn't do any good. They were kids, and they were excited.

“Well, that's how I feel and I wanted to ask for your help.” I let my eyes drift around the room. “So I'm going to play you our new song and then I'm going to need you to help me out. How does that sound?”

They cheered.

And even before they had stopped, I had started singing. It was the first time we had played the song in public, but the words came easily. They fell from my lips. I didn't just know the lyrics I had written, I felt them down to my very core. They were literally from the heart.

My soul was being laid bare for a group of snotty nosed kids, but more importantly, I was laying it bare to her. I needed her to know exactly how I felt about her. How I had always felt. Maybe I hadn't been great at telling her before, but I didn't want there to be any doubt in her head.

“Oh my God,” Lola whispered as my voice trailed off. And this time there were no over excited voices to drown her out. She sat there, her hands pressed to her throat. Her eyes were swimming with tears.

“I hope you liked that Lola, Miss Michaelson,” I amended quickly. “Because I wrote it after the first time we met. Miss Michaelson,” I boomed out a laugh. “I am hoping that this is the last time I have to call you that. What do you say kids, do you think she should change her name to Mrs Granger?”

No one answered at first. One of the teachers started clapping quietly, but quickly stopped when no one else joined in.

“I think that went above their heads, brother.” Jax's shoulder nudged me. “Try being more direct.”

It might have gone over the kids’ heads, but one look at Lola's blushing face and I knew she knew what I meant.

“Who thinks Miss Michaelson should marry me?”

Screams rent the air, excited and ear piercing. Children rushed towards her, tugging on her clothes as what seemed like a million high–pitched voices babbled at her excitedly.

Lola didn't move. She sat there, her eyes glued to mine. She looked dazed, in shock.

Stepping over the kids' heads, I didn't look around me until I got to where she was sitting. Catching up her hand, I drew her trembling to her feet. Bringing the hand to my mouth, I placed my lips against it.

“So what do you say, Lola?” I asked her. “Fancy being my wife?”


“Fancy being my wife.” My brother's sarcastic voice hit my ears as I pushed open the door to the office barely five minutes after they had left the front of the assembly. It had taken me that long to gather my wits together. I still wasn't sure I had them together. I felt jittery and sick to my stomach in a whole new way that had nothing to do with the baby growing inside my body.

“That has to be the most unromantic proposal in the history of fucking proposals, dude. We set it all up to be perfect and you go and do it like that.”

Laughter filled the air. No one had even noticed that I was there. Hovering in the doorway. Listening in like a creep.

“I mean, did you see her face?” Louis carried on, oblivious to my presence. Catching Dion's expression, he chuckled. “Some of the other teachers were creaming in their seats, so if teachers are your thing–”

“Shut up, Louis,” I said without thinking. I knew he was joking, but I still didn't want to hear it. “I think it was sweet.”

“Sweet?” Louis’ hug squeezed the breath out of my lungs as he crushed me to him. I hugged him back for a second, patting his back before pushing on his chest to get him to let go. He stepped back almost instantly.
