Page 101 of The Prince of Demons

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I hurried away, following the students that scattered from glass shards, determined to get my emotions under control while Aubrey and my Reaper danced.

NotmyReaper, I corrected myself. Notmyanything.

I should find Cordelia. She could calm me down. Or at least let me rant to her about the absurdity of this situation.

I couldn’t react now. Not with the dramatics I just did. Pixies were already working to clean up glass shards off the floor, some pieces bigger than themselves.

Relax.Aubrey didn’t know he was the Reaper. She was just socializing like she always did. Calm down.

“If it isn’t my favorite fish,” a sharp, feminine voice chirped.

“Flora,” I said. The fae approached in a cloud of snowy mist and kissed my cheeks. I fought the urge to recoil.

“I couldn’t miss the show, now, could I? You left your mission over there.” She pointed to Reaper, who was dancing with Aubrey in his arms. Aubrey leaned close to whisper something in his ear. Fortunately, I couldn’t see Reaper's expression as he spun away. If he looked happy, I might have to walk over and kill him. For real this time.

He danced in the middle of the dance floor, performing well, all spins and fanfare and dips, drawing attention to himself like a reckless, insufferable fool—

“Does anyone besides us know who he is?” I asked Flora.

“No,” Flora said. “I only know because you’ve been staring at him like a slighted lover since he arrived.”

“I am not—” I let out an exasperated breath. “He and I—”

She held her hands up. “Look, fish, I don’t actually care. But I need you to keep getting information from him.”

My nails ached, pulsing with her magic. I stopped clenching my fists. Any harder, and they might just cut into my skin.

“I need to get his attention,” I told Flora.

She eyed me with disbelief. “He’s been watching you all night. You already have it.”

I pretended I didn’t hear that. “Can you get me a dance with Fabian?”

Frostbite burnt my fingers.

“My mate?”

I cringed. Mates were what starborn souls were called among Faeries. Nothing came between them. And if you tried to make a move on one, you were lucky if their partner’s jealousy didn’t strike you dead.

She would rip me to shreds for that slight later. Blood already dripped from my fingertips, splattering on the floor.

“I need to make Reaper jealous,” I insisted.

“By dancing with my mate.” She gave me a frigid, deadpan stare. My fingers were starting to lose circulation, numbing to the pain.

“If Reaper has been watching me all night, then he definitely saw me staring at Fabian earlier when he arrived with you. If he sees me dancing with him, too, he’ll be convinced I’m interested.”

“Ow!” I yelped. I dropped my hands to my sides. Pain was radiating up to my elbows now. Flora was strong, especially when fuming.

“Watch yourself, girl.”

She deserted me. Discomfort ebbed away from my elbows, then my wrists, and finally localized to my throbbing hands.

“If you kiss him, I will rip off your hands, then shove them down Cordelia’s throat,” Flora said when she returned, hand arched like a claw over Fabian’s shoulder.

He grinned mischievously. “Both of us get to make our loves jealous today, won’t we?” He pressed his hand into the small of my back, then cut us a path into the crowd. Flora watched us apprehensively, icicles dripping down from the ceiling.

“So… you are in love with a demon?” Fabian asked, twirling me.
