Page 133 of The Prince of Demons

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Demon who never had a heart with which to raze,

Either find a way to send the nine-tailed fox back home,

Or find someone who hounds of death could not set ablaze,

A princess captured in an unwanted bond,

A shadow stealer who takes lone demons in stride,

A demon lover, your future bride,

A gossip in which you could always confide,

A seraphim who can free you from the depths of hell,

Only your starborn can grant the peace you seek all too well.

When I awoke,Reaper held me, and the nine-tailed fox was gone.

I shoved away from him.

“What’s your prophecy?”


“What. Is. Your. Prophecy?”

He blinked, wary. His hands fell to his sides. “Luna.”

“You promised not to lie to me. Who am I supposed to trust if not you?”

He swallowed. “Ninetails told you.”

“Yes, I found the gumiho.”

Reaper stilled. “Luna, the goal of that creature is to drive us apart. Worry not about her statements.”

“I think I’ve figured it out. You’re just an old, bored immortal who thinks playing games with our lives is fun.” I paced, stalking away from the demon.

“Do you know what would happen to me if I got caught with you? I would be expelled! Disinherited! Alone! And what’s the worst that can happen to you? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can’t die. If you hop back into the Beyond, you won't be found. I have everything to lose and nothing to gain from being with you.”

I faced him. “How long have you been stringing me along, knowing that you have a starborn?” My voice cracked on the last word.

The panic on his face dissipated. “On social intelligence, girl, you truly have close to zero.”

“I am not a girl!”

I hated the way he was looking at me. Like I was a fool, a fragile object needing close care and handling.

I hated that he was right. I was on the brink of collapse. My heart beat too fast, my sense of betrayal too intense.

“No, you are not a girl,” he said quietly. “But you are ruled by your insecurities like one.”

Too deep. He hit too deep every time we fought. “My insecurities? My insecurities?” I didn’t want him to use that gentle tone with me. I wanted to fight. I needed to rage. Because if I didn’t, what fragile pieces of my heart remained would surely fissure and break completely.

“You’re the one who can’t even take one day to rest because you’re worried about what your father thinks of you! You who hid that you have a starborn—”

“My starborn will survive this, I’m sure.” I screamed loud enough that the stars shook. My shadows were storming, forming a whirlwind around me.
