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Bells chimed, and Lukas caught up with us when the class dispersed.

“Stay in your rooms tonight.” His voice left no room for argument. “Professor Ansi loves to rile students up, but it’s mostly so that she has less to grade later when half her students die. It’s not worth going out there tonight. You can match a House without being top of the class.”

“Yeah, Siren House,” Aubrey spat. “Some of us aim higher.”

I didn’t miss Cordelia’s exhale. I’d tell Aubrey to watch her mouth later.

Lukas sighed, moving his hands through his hair. “Look, as someone who’s seen this night go down… it’s a bloodbath out there. You’re just as likely to be taken out by another student as a demon.”

“I’m not afraid of death.” I said plainly.

Specks of gold swirled in his blue, concerned eyes. “What happened to the girl who ran away from the Reaper a few months ago?”

I stared him down.

“She grew up.”

* * *

Gaksi woundaround my choker like a beacon. It lifted up lightly, pulling me toward my next demon. Of his choosing, of course.

“You aren’t fighting today. Only moving them back home,” he’d declared on our walk here.

I wouldn't think twice if they were anything like the lost ghosts. Easy points.

“The other students are ready to kill tonight,” I told Gaksi. Metal clanged in the air. Weapons were brandished across campus.

“The spirits are restless tonight. I will not lose you to them.”

I kept walking, and an ear-splitting scream echoed.

“Another freshman felled by their own rashness,” Gaksi said.

Terror gripped my limbs. “Do you think the murderous one that killed all the men—”

“Yes, she’s out. I can feel her here now.”

The trees rumbled in front of me, and I hid behind a tree, preparing.

“Get back here, you pesky thing!” Ahead of me, Hyacinth chased a ghost, who floated—rapidly—away from the portal.

I released a breath. False alarm.

A tug on my neck pulled me to Gaksi’s choice of demon.

I should have known not to trust him.



Questions, questions, and more questions in the stars tonight. So far, there have been 13 victims total, all male students. 5 wolves, 2 sirens, 1 vampire, 3 angels, and 2 faeries. Are these targeted attacks? Is the number relevant? Is any female deemed safe?

More male victims will come in the future. Rose House has been awfully quiet on this news. As an all-female House, is it not the least bit suspicious that they have been totally spared?

Lastly, is this a villainous murderer or a heroic vigilante? Latest news in: a wolf, who shall remain nameless, has confessed to me that our fallen comrade Adam took advantage of her under the full moon many months ago with his compulsion pearl. With all of our mysterious killer’s murders consisting of men, it begs the question: why?

“Your mom isa real piece of work,” Reaper mentioned mid-demon capture.
