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I’d followed Gaksi’s lead to Reaper, and we chased a gwisin around the library.

“I don’t know how she did it, but she snuck a cell phone into my palace. And I know she snuck a cell phone into my palace because it rang when I was trying to rest, and she yelled at me from across the universe.”

“Good for her.” Tiger mom for the win. Also, he lived in a palace. I’d make sure to tell Flora that. Mom had accidentally given me material to work with.

“Do all demons live in a palace?”

A mischievous glint sparkled in his eye. “No, only those related to the royal family.”

Interesting. “How are you related?”

“I am the Prince of Demons, seraphim.”


Reaper, the impulsive, fiendish controller of my bargain, was thePrinceofDemons?

His voice lightened, clearly enjoying my shocked expression. “Consider yourself blessed to be in my presence, darling subject. You may even bow if you wish.”

“Never,” I snapped. He had to be bluffing. There was no way.

“Speaking of local royalty, Luna, why does your school’s gossip column defend a serial killer?”

That was an unexpected turn. Why wouldn’t he elaborate?

“You mean The Oracle Musings?”

“The oracle seems to have more followers than I do these days.”

He was so chatty tonight. Upbeat. Revealing secrets and conversing in a way I’d never seen him.

“It’s the full moon,” Gaksi said, “It’s like alcohol to a demon. Fuels them with energy.”

“Is it you?” Reaper asked. “It would explain why the gumiho gets a favorable edit. You could have created that paper to save yourself from the scrutiny.”

“What? Nobody knows who that freak is! And she’s been around a lot longer than I have. All I know is she’s never wrong. Even the principal mentioned she’s one of the best oracles we’ve ever had. Which is probably why she hid her identity. So people wouldn’t torture her for information on the future.”

I herded a lost spirit away from the bookshelves. This one had glasses balancing unevenly on her nose bridge. My lips turned down. They were cracked and foggy. I doubted she could see anything.

I unzipped my bag and pulled out my own pair. “Reaper, do you know her prescription?”

He raised his brows. “Are you serious?”

“Tell her she can have my glasses if they match.” I held them out in my hand.

The demon was dumbfounded.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never seen glasses before. What, you’re going to take her back to the other side, blind?”

“Why do you show empathy to the dead?” he asked. A tendril of smoke coiled around my glasses, lifting them out of my hand. Swapped them out with the ghost’s in a flash.

She blinked twice, creepy stare unchanged. But her leathery hands opened the tattered book she held. Progress!

Reaper drew her to him with dark ropes of confinement.

“You aren’t afraid of most demons,” Reaper said, suspicious.

“It seems like many of them are lost souls, not beings of evil,” I replied.
