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“What do you mean? I came to see my brother,” Dina said, the smile on her face so genuine, calling to him to forget his responsibilities. “I always stay with you when I’m in New York.”

Dereck’s breath put hard. “And what did I tell you about showing up unannounced?”

His sister’s face changed then, her lips pouted, and she placed her weight on one leg. “What else I’m I supposed to do when my own brother refuses to answer my calls?” She breathed out hard. “I told you I didn’t instigate Amanda deceiving Alina to break you two up. Don’t you believe me?” Then Dina looked past her brother, into the apartment. “Or is it her who doesn’t believe me?”

“Alina has nothing to do with this. I just don’t think it’s a good time. Maybe after the baby is born.” Dereck spoke in a hushed tone.

“So, it’s you that’s turning me away.” Dina’s shoulders dropped. “You’re going to destroy your relationship with me for her.”

His sister’s words aggravated Dereck, causing it to manifest in his face. How could Dina put the mess with Alina on him? Although she was not behind Amanda’s deception, Dina had done everything she could to break the couple up.

He took a step forward, pointing his finger at his sister. “Just get it straight. It is you who’s ruining this relationship with your constant disapproval of Alina and your deceit.”

Those words, although true, hurt more than Dereck knew. Dina looked at her brother for a long time before wrapping her hand around her bag. “Fine. If you don’t want me here, I won’t stay. I’ll just find a hotel.”

“There’s no need for that. Dina can stay.” The siblings turned in unison to face Alina who standing just a little inside the apartment. “Dina’s your sister. Don’t turn her away because of me.”

First, Dina pushed out and twisted her lips at her brother, then brushed past him to speak to Alina. “Where do I sleep?”

Alina was accustomed to Dina’s entitled personality enough not to expect friendly greetings. “Follow me.”

Dina followed as Alina wobbled her way down the hall, entering the first bedroom on the left, with Dereck not too far behind the women. “We haven’t had a chance to decorate properly yet, so it has only the basics.”

The slim woman scanned the room for a moment. “I guess it will do.” Then she did something that surprised the couple. She turned towards Alina and looked into her eyes with a smile. “Thank you for letting me stay here.”

It was one sentence, but between the three of them, it meant a lot.

Hormonal and emotional, tears began to pool in Alina’s eyes. “You’re welcome,” she said, just before her phone rang in the other room. Alina excused herself, happy for the interruption.

With moisture still in her eyes, she drowned out the chattering of the siblings before answering her cellphone.

“Alina!” Her mother’s voice was so loud and dramatic that it made her jump. Then she inwardly scolded herself for not paying attention to the caller ID before answering the phone. Alina was caught up in the moment and lost track of her problems.

“Mother,” she said with an awkward smile.

“You ignored so many of my calls. I was wondering if we were estranged.”

Alina sighed, “It’s good to hear you too, mother. How have you been?”

Laura completely ignored her daughter’s question, choosing to focus on what she undoubtedly harbored in her mind. “It’s that man that’s telling you not to speak to your parents, isn’t it?”

A wave of lightheadedness overwhelmed Alina, causing her to prop herself on the nightstand. “Mother, I explained this to you several times. Dereck did not know I was pregnant, and he has nothing against us communicating. The only ones that have problems are you and dad.”

“So it’s our fault that man came into our house and deceived us?” Laura’s voice was louder now, and it reeked of scorn.

“That’s not what I said.” Alina put her hand to her temple, trying to ease the pain. She wanted to say more, but her words got caught in her throat.

“I told you continuously to leave that man and move back home to Maryland. He’s no good for you, and New York City is no place to raise a child.” The older woman’s voice softened then. “Come home and let me take care of my grandbaby.”

“I…” was the only word that came out of Alina’s mouth before she dropped the phone, clamping her hand to her stomach. She could still hear her mother’s voice calling to her as she eased herself to the carpet, settling in a folded position while forcing herself to breathe. The pain in her stomach was overwhelming, preventing her from calling out.


“How long are you staying?” Dereck watched his sister as she busied herself placing her clothing in the closet and dresser draws.

She spoke over her shoulder. “What’s the matter, brother? Ready to get rid of me already?”

“In case you haven’t noticed, we are preparing for a baby here and I don’t want you and Alina getting into it when I’m at work.” It was the first time Dereck was sharp with his sister.
