Page 107 of Love You Wild

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His grin grows tenfold as he stalks toward me, taking me into his arms. He squeezes my ass and kisses my salty lips. “You can eat my popcorn any day, Claire.”

Moving to the fridge, he pulls out some sort of raw meat and starts preparing Sully’s dinner. “You better be finished that popcorn and back in my bed by the time I’m done feeding Sully,” he throws over his shoulder.

“Is that an order?” I tease, throwing another handful into my mouth.

The only thing that moves is his head, twisting to look at me, all devil, no angel. “Yes, Claire, it is.” Turning back to the bowl in front of him, he adds quietly, “You have approximately thirty seconds to get there.”

“Thirty seconds? I can’t possibly finish and get there in thirty seconds. You’re setting me up for failure.”

“You’re wasting time, lovely Claire,” he murmurs. I watch him bend, setting the bowl in front of Sully. He washes his hands before turning slowly to me, pulling his shirt over his head. He cocks one brow, looking a lot like he’s about to devour me as he licks his lips. “You still standing there?”

The hand that’s full of popcorn stops midway to my gaping mouth. As if I can move when he’s standing in front of me, shirtless. I’m pretty sure I’m gawking, gaze falling to that V that’s like a landing strip, leading right to the wildest ride of my life.

“Where should you be right now?” Avery stalks toward me and my breathing falters.

“Well, you…you…” I honestly don’t have a single clue what my mouth is trying to say. I don’t think my brain is even working.

“Where,” he repeats slowly, “should you be…right now?”

I blink up at him when he stops in front of me. God, has he always been this tall? I’m craning my goddamn neck to meet his gaze, which is entirely intimidating, maybe even a little terrifying. “In the bedroom?”

He nods. “That’s right. In the bedroom. Now go.”

I keep staring, my jaw still hanging.

“Go, Claire, now!”

With a squeak and a jump, I throw my handful of popcorn in the air and take off at a run down the hallway, Avery hot on my heels. He catches me in all of three steps, throwing me over his shoulder. He tosses me down to the mattress and rips his pants off before pinning me to the bed with his muscular thighs, holding my wrists above my head.

With a smirk, he dips his head, running the tip of his nose across my cheek, down the line of my jaw. He pauses at my ear, his breath making me quiver with fear and lust. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard, all night long, tomorrow you’ll need to sit your pretty, round, peach of an ass at your desk all damn day long because your legs will shake when you try to stand. How’s that sound?”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” I whisper, trying my luck as I push his thick waves off his forehead.

His lips curl. “Baby, I’ve never wanted to keep a promise more in my life. Trust me.”

And I do, because he does. Dear Lord, does he ever make good on his promise.

It’s nearly three in the morning when I’m finally certain he’s fallen asleep, one arm draped over my slick, sweaty body, his slow, steady breath coating my neck.

And that’s when I start coming down from my high.

Avery’s like my own personal drug, pumped up in my veins, coursing through my blood. But I’m already going through withdrawal, just thinking about tomorrow, or the next day, the next week, when he’s had his fix and starts his detox, pulling away. The thought makes my stomach turn and my chest tighten.

So, very carefully, I peel my body from his, slipping out of his bed. Sully looks up at me, cocking his head to the side. He opens his mouth and lets out a long, squeaking yawn, shaking his big, burly head with a slow blink.

Finding my clothes on the floor, I dress silently, give Sully a kiss on his head, and disappear down the hallway and out Avery’s door.

It’s better for both of us this way; I’m sure of it.




Is this what people mean when they say they’re walking on cloud nine? Are they secretly talking about that post-coital, I just got fucked straight into next week feeling? That high you never wanna come down from? ’Cause that’s kinda exactly how I’m feeling this morning.

Despite the fact that I know my time with Avery just got an expiration date and I’m going to watch it tick down like a time bomb, I’m feeling pretty out of this world.
