Page 108 of Love You Wild

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My mind drifts to that dark spot in my brain, that nagging piece of me that’s wondering how long it’ll take for Avery to start pulling away. How long until he’s bored, ready for his next adventure? I’m not entirely sure if my reason for leaving last night was to guard myself, or to leave him wanting more, hanging on just a while longer. The latter would be stupid of me. In the end, I’ll only wind up digging myself a deeper hole, one I’m eventually unable to pull myself out of.

And that can’t happen.

In truth, Avery’s been nothing but kind to me, with a side of sass, as is the relationship we share. But I know what kind of lover he is. And while he’s a fantastic lover, what he really is, is a lover of women, a lover of variety, no strings attached, no commitments. He’s a lover of freedom, making his own rules. I’ve reminded myself of this six times already in the hour that I’ve been awake this morning, convincing myself that if I keep that knowledge at the forefront of my mind, then maybe I won’t be so crushed when all he is to me is an acquaintance I have to deal with at work occasionally.

My phone buzzes on the counter, making me smile. I know exactly who it is.

Charlee: K. Wtf Claire? I call you three times last night to find out how it went with Avery at his office. No answer. Then you text me back at 3am saying “good”???? Get your sweet, perky ass to CLB. You have some ‘splaining to do.

Charlee: PS. I’m gonna wear my sexy librarian glasses today because I feel like I’m going to want to give you a stern look overtop of them. Is that right? Should I wear them?

Me: Wear them.

Charlee: Best. Hump Day. EVER.

Laughing, I tuck my phone into the back pocket of my jean skirt and pack an entire box of Lucky Charms into my messenger bag. Yeah, that’s happening today. No qualms.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder and slipping a pair of sandals on my feet, I tug the door open.

I jump backwards with a shriek that echoes down the hallway, all while clawing at my throat.

Avery leans in my doorway, arms crossed over his chest, one sexy eyebrow arched high on his forehead, and a delectable, jerky smirk painted on his ruggedly handsome face.

“Fuck, Avery, you scared the shit out of me.” I press a palm to my chest, feeling the way it heaves, before I reach forward and swat his shoulder.

My gaze trails a burning path down his body, looking sexier than ever in his perfectly tailored wine-colored suit. It’s a bold choice, and naturally, he makes it work. Flawlessly. His hair is disheveled in a way that makes it look like he had sex exactly seven times last night, and he’s got a delicious five o’clock shadow lining his jaw that I want to scrub my fingers along.

“Did you sneak out on me last night?” Avery asks, voice gravelly and thick with sleep, like he was up all night. Fucking.

“Nooo?” I flash him a teeth-gritting grin and lock my door, strolling past him instead of jumping him, wrapping my limbs around his body and begging him to screw my brains out in the elevator, which he conveniently follows me to.

“Hmm.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets, looking ridiculously relaxed and unfazed as we wait for the elevator doors to open. When they do and we step inside, he asks, “Did you leave in the middle of the night?”

I clear my throat. “Yes.”

“Was I sleeping?”

I pretend to think, squinting and tapping my jaw with one finger. “Think so.”

“Were you being careful not to wake me?”

Busted. “Maybe.”

When he turns to me, his grin is all devil. “So you snuck out.”

The elevator dings and opens, and I dash away from him, which is stupid, because: A) we’re going in the same direction, out the same damn door; and B) his legs are twice as long as mine.

He follows me onto the sidewalk, matching my pace. I’m glad I wore my sandals today—high heels would not fare me well in this situation, because I’m fumbling around like a mad woman. Also, because I got fucked straight into heaven last night, and my legs are all limp noodles.

“You’re going to miss your ride,” I tell him, pulling my phone and earbuds out.

“Nah, Jacob’s picking me up at the brewery.”

I swat Avery’s hand away when he reaches forward, touching two fingers to my jaw and tapping it shut. “Why? We don’t have a meeting today.”

“Nope. Just walking to work with you.”

“What? No. Why? What are you doing?” I’m confused.

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