Page 20 of Love You Wild

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Wyatt sighs, scratching a hand through his hair. “Was just thinking the same.”

I do a slow spin, taking in all the details, the touches that make this place unique. “It’s gorgeous.”

Wyatt hums his agreement. “Might not be a huge investment for us, but I think it’s a good one.”

My head bobs. “It’s got that charm people love. It’ll turn a big profit for him.” And by fault, for us too.

The whole thing is brick walls, exposed ceilings, dark wooden beams, black metal, and Edison bulbs. That perfect mix of old and new, modern and industrial.

I stroll over to the big U-shaped bar. The wall behind it is a giant chalkboard with all their drink options and a couple appetizers written in various intricate fonts. It looks like someone spent a lot of time on it. The bar top is amazing, dark walnut with a red river that runs through the center. I rap my knuckles on it. I like it. I want it.

A rough voice booms from my right. “Who the hell let you two in here?”

I grin when I see Dex, the owner, jogging down a set of wooden stairs in one corner of the big space. I take his hand before pulling him in for a hug.

“Shit, dude.” I look him over. “I don’t remember you being so big.”

He laughs, embracing Wyatt. “Been hitting the gym a bit harder than I used to. Gotta pack on the muscles to keep up with you two.”

Dex has always been a big guy, tall like me, with broad shoulders. But it looks like he’s put on a solid twenty pounds of muscle since I’ve seen him last, which was…

“How long’s it been this time?” I scrub my jaw, searching through my memories.

“Too long,” he chuckles, clapping my back.

“Can’t believe we haven’t been here before,” Wyatt says, guilt draping his features. “We should have been here a thousand times over. The space is amazing, man.”

Dex waves a dismissive hand and smiles. “Ah, don’t worry about it. Life gets in the way. You’re here now.” He points to the staircase. “We’re up on the third floor. Shall we?”

The third floor is just as charming as the first with all the same touches. Dex introduces us to the secretary and I notice she’s got a desk that matches the bar downstairs.

“I think you’re gonna love the staff here,” he tells us as we follow him into a large conference room. “It’s casual here. We’re not too serious.”

Wyatt swipes a hunk of cheese off the table. “You never were too serious.”

Dex only shrugs. “Not a way to live life.” Laughter rings with the voices that start floating down the hallway, and he looks up, grinning.

“Here’s the gang now.”

I watch his employees start to filter in, noting that they’re all male. Dex starts with introductions, but when I hear a soft, pretty laugh drift into the room, my head swivels.

And there she is, ladies and gentlemen.

The reason Charlee said I was going to have so much fun in my meeting today.





My heart stutters as I take Claire in. Her copper hair is swept back into a long ponytail that waves down her back, a few loose tendrils framing her face. She’s wearing a simple white t-shirt tucked into a long red skirt with little white flowers that hugs the curve of her hips and flows down her legs, sweeping open in the front with each step she takes. It’s tied together with a little bow on the front of one hip, and the finishing touch is the strappy, white heels, little pink toes peeping out.

I swear, she’s utter perfection.

What’s even more perfect is that she doesn’t notice me. Yet.
