Page 67 of Love You Wild

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“Dance?” I ask.

His brown eyes twinkle with mirth. “Yeah, you know that thing where two people hold each other close and spin around the floor. Dance with me, Claire.”

I don’t really want to. I danced with Avery already, and he’s who I want to be close to, even though he’s with someone else, and even though I walked away from him only ten minutes ago.

But Andre holds his hand out to me and I slip mine in, letting him guide me to the floor. It’s warm and nice, but I don’t feel the same zing that I do when Avery touches me. Speaking of Avery, his eyes follow us across the floor.

“Thanks for inviting me tonight. It’s a great party. This place is gonna take off like crazy when you add the restaurant.” Andre pulls me close, one hand on my lower back, fingertips ghosting over my skin.

I manage a small smile. “I think so too. Everyone I’ve talked to tonight is really excited to come check it out when it’s done.”

“You still feeling good about my proposal?”

I nod with as much enthusiasm I can muster. The proposal is fantastic. Andre’s saving us a ton of money, and his ideas are better than what we originally dreamed up. “The proposal is amazing. You’ve definitely painted a pretty picture for us. We’re really excited to work with you.”

“I’m glad you approve. I’m really excited to work with you too, Claire.”

I don’t miss that he singles me out rather than the entire company. He wants to work with me.

“Are you still unavailable?” Andre asks boldly, his thumb sweeping absently over my back.

I wince, not really wanting to have this conversation. “Yes. I’m sorry. Will that…will that affect this?”

He pulls back and shakes his head. “Nah. I know how to keep it professional, though a girl like you might make it a little bit harder on me. But I can respect your decision. Can I ask why though? Not interested, not even a little?” He flashes me a handsome smile. He’s got full lips and straight, white teeth. His warm eyes sparkle down at me.

I could be. Honestly, I probably would be if it weren’t for two things: if I were emotionally ready for a relationship, and if I didn’t know Avery. That last one is crucial, because I’m not emotionally ready, yet I can’t stop that thing my heart does whenever I look at Avery, whenever he touches me, whenever his name lights up my phone screen.

“I just got out of a long-term relationship,” I tell Andre honestly. “And it didn’t end well.”

He considers me carefully, studying my face. “Did he hurt you?”

Just fucked with my brain and drove my self-worth headfirst into the dirt. “Yes.”

Andre grunts and tightens his hold on me. “Well, tough shit for him, eh? You deserve much better.”

My smile feels real, if a little sad. “Thank you for saying that.”

“Any other reasons you’d turn me down, say, if that jackass of an ex didn’t exist or you were over him?”

My eyes land on Avery. He’s full-on ignoring the blonde who does not look happy about it in the slightest. His gaze is glued to me and Andre, confusing me further. Why does he care who I’m dancing with when he’s got that hanging off his side?

Andre follows my gaze. “Ah. I see.”

My eyes shift back to him. “Hmm?”

“You like someone else.”

Heat floods my cheeks, urging me to keep my mouth shut. Am I that obvious?

“If it’s any consolation,” Andre whispers, dipping his mouth to my ear, “I’ve known Avery a long time, and I’ve never seen him quite so enthralled by a woman before.”

I snort. “Yeah, she’s beautiful, isn’t she?”Thanks for rubbing it in, dude.

His head shakes, eyes alight with amusement. “I’m not talking about the blonde, who he’s been actively trying to pay no attention to this entire time, by the way.”

When the song comes to an end, Andre and I drift back over to the bar. I slide behind it and pour us each a beer because I need it in me now, not in fifteen minutes when one of the bartenders will be able to get to us.

Our group grows quickly, our corner loud and rowdy, the perfect opportunity for me to sneak a peek at Avery and his friend. I don’t want to, and when I do, I really regret it.
