Page 93 of Love You Wild

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Sully wakes, stretching in his spot on the rug, and ambles over to Vivi, his head tilting to the side like he wants to know why she’s crying and how he can make it stop.

She drops her hand, letting him lick her, and lets out a weak giggle. “Silly Sully bear.” She sniffles and wraps her arms around Claire’s neck, hugging her tight while she looks at me with the most heart-wrenching expression on her beautiful angel face. “I hab nightmare,” she whispers.

I step up to her, rubbing my palm over her back. “I’m sorry, baby. It wasn’t real. You’ve got Auntie Claire now. She’ll keep you safe, snuggle you right up in bed.”

“You too?” she asks, her hopeful voice cracking.

My mouth tugs up in one corner and I pull her from Claire’s arms, hugging her against my chest. Claire watches us with an expression I can’t quite decipher. “I’d love to, but I’ve gotta take Sully home to bed.”

Vivi peers up at me with the most ginormous eyes, tears still streaming down her pink cheeks. “But what if dere’s monsters?”

“Impossible. I just did a quick monster check. But if you need me, you let Auntie Claire know and I’ll come right down to save you. Promise.”

“Otay,” she says quietly. “I luh you, A’wy.”

“I love you too, sweet girl.” I squeeze her once and kiss her nose before handing her back to Claire, who looks near tears herself. I pull her into me, pressing my lips to her cheek, and then her lips. “Goodnight, beautiful ladies.”

“Goodnight Avery,” Claire murmurs. “Thank you for spending the day with us.”

I pause in the doorway with Sully at my side, smiling back at that breathtaking woman. “Thank you for giving me the best day I’ve had in a long time.”




“You’ve reached Gavin. Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave a message and I’ll call you back. Unless you’re one of my kids, then I’ll probably leave you hanging for a while.” My dad laughs to himself on his voicemail recording. “I’m just kidding, Claire. Don’t yell at me.”

The recording manages to tip one side of my mouth the way it always does, but it doesn’t stop the drum of my fingers on my desk as I end the call. I open my message thread with my dad, gaze falling over all those unanswered text messages. It’s not like him to not answer, which is why that pit in my stomach sinks a little deeper with worry.

My dad has always been the kind of parent you dream of having. Devoted, supportive, full of unconditional love and ridiculous Dad-jokes. Leaving my hometown to move to Toronto was one of the hardest things I ever did, but he pushed me the way he knows I need to be pushed sometimes. Still, I hate being away from him, and we talk all the time.

I fire off a text message to my brother, letting him know I still haven’t heard back from Dad. He responds nearly right away.

Casey: I’m sure he’s fine, Claire. We had a busy weekend. He was tired when I left yesterday afternoon.

I know that, of course. Building furniture and staying up too late to smoke cigars and drink beer with your son will do that to you. Still, it isn’t like him to not respond for so long.

Casey: Vivi and I can head down later today if he still hasn’t answered.

I head to the lunchroom to make myself a cup of coffee in an attempt to clear my head and relax. I’m sure it’ll have the opposite effect.

I look up when Dex pops his head into the room.

“You okay?” He gestures at the Keurig machine that’s currently brewing heaven. “That’s, what, your third cup?”

“Guilty,” I murmur. I wrap both hands around the warm mug and inhale with a content sigh. “Can’t help it today.”

“Still haven’t heard back from your dad?”

I shake my head and lean against the counter. “How did you know?”

“I was talking to Casey earlier.” He grins. “He might’ve mentioned something about you driving him nuts.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m worried; that’s all.”

Dex nods and glances at his watch. “Hey, why don’t you take off? Go home, check on him.”
