Page 14 of Camden

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She’s not wrong about that. He’s got dark blond hair he wears longish with crazy flips all over. It looks like he just got out of bed, but in a stylish way. He wears facial scruff all the time and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him clean-shaven.

Maybe at Mitch’s funeral.

That douses me with cold water, the combination of considering how handsome Camden is but with the blunt reminder my husband died less than a year ago.

It’s almost as if Kiera senses my mixed feelings. She squeezes her arm around mine reassuringly. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you admiring a man for his looks.”

I sigh and squeeze her back as we move along the sidewalk. “I know. And I love you to death for trying to normalize those things for me. Not one other person in my life has ever broached the idea that there could be something for me after Mitch. And I’m not saying that’s Camden… just thank you for reiterating there’s nothing wrong with moving on.”

“There’s not. Besides, you’re not moving away from Mitch. He’ll always be a part of your life. Maybe consider it, like, you’re opening the door to add to your current life.”

“I’m not ready for that quite yet.”

“But there will be a time when you are,” she reminds me.

I stop and face her. “How do I know when it’s appropriate?”

She shrugs. “I expect you’ll know in your heart.”

That’s far too vague to help but I also think she’s probably right. Regardless, it’s not on my agenda at the moment. Not out of respect to Mitch or what we had—I know he’d expect me to find happiness, even with someone else.

Right now, I’ve got too many things going on to consider a romantic relationship.



Danica and Travislive in the suburb of Lawrenceville in a pretty redbrick row house with black trim around the windows. While the neighborhood is nice, well maintained, and in a safe area, it is a gigantic step down from the home they owned in Edgeworth, which is one of the most affluent communities in the Pittsburgh area.

I’m able to find a parallel spot a few houses down from hers. If I had to guess by looking at the outside, she lost about three thousand square feet as well. Danica mentioned their other house was too big for the two of them, which I’m not sure I buy. She and Mitch built that massive house with the idea of having it as a social hub for Travis as he got older. There was an incredible game room in the basement and a beautiful pool for summer fun. Mitch and Danica always envisioned their house as the place for Travis and all his buddies to hang out.

I jog up the five steps to the top of the stoop and knock on the door. Within moments, Danica opens it. She’s in a pair of dress pants in dark charcoal with a blue satin blouse. Her feet are bare but it looks like I caught her after her workday. Her makeup is subtle but it’s really not needed when those dimples are the only thing you see when she smiles. “Hey… come on in. It’s freezing outside.”

I wipe my feet on the outdoor mat and step into the small foyer. As she closes the door behind me, Danica says, “We just got home. Travis is upstairs getting changed. You want something to drink?” I follow her through the living room to the kitchen. “I can make you some coffee.”

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I look around their home. “I’m good.”

It had been a long time since I’d been to Danica and Mitch’s Edgeworth house but I can immediately tell that none of the furniture I’m seeing is from their former home.

“This is a nice place.” I bring my gaze back to Danica as she pulls a couple of bottles of water from the fridge. “Definitely more convenient for your new job at the arena.”

Danica nods. “That’s a plus but it’s actually more convenient to Travis’s school. With me working now, it’s nice that he can take the bus if needed.”

“He goes to a private school, right?”

She puts the water in a small drawstring satchel and tosses in an apple from a bowl on the counter. “Harrington and it’s wonderful. Travis has excelled there.”

I move closer to a bookshelf with knickknacks and picture frames. I peruse the various shots, most of which are of Travis, when Danica comes to stand beside me. I shoot her a glance as her gaze roams over them with a fond smile.

Focusing on one, I point to it. It’s of a boy and girl standing in a backyard covered in mud as they grin at the camera. The little boy is missing his front tooth. “Is that Mitch?”

Danica laughs. “Yeah… he was probably about seven in that picture. I was only five. We were catching earthworms so we could go fishing.”

That shocks me and I look closer at the photo.

And yeah, that’s Danica. “Were y’all neighbors or something?”

“Yup. Our backyards butted up against each other’s and there was a big hole in the chain-link fence. We would always slip through and play in each other’s backyards. Our moms were good friends, passing recipes over the fence type of thing. Mitch’s dad would take us fishing and we did everything together, particularly in the summers. We happened to live in a neighborhood that was mostly older, retired folks so we were the only kids within a several-block radius. We had no choice but to be friends.”
