Page 61 of Camden

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It’s always been a blast to celebrate with my team and the fans after a win. Mario’s is our main hangout, although sometimes we go to Stevie’s bar.

We reach a sectioned-off area the owners created for us filled with high-top tables where we can share beers and not be swarmed by fans. It’s sort of worked out that we’re mostly left alone when we’re in this group space, but we all take turns stepping into the throng and hanging with the fans. After I drink this beer, I’ll go do some pictures and autographs, which I actually enjoy.

Most of the team is here but noticeably absent are the coaches. They don’t typically hang with us, although sometimes Gage will, and that’s only because last season he was a teammate and captain of our team. I imagine he’s not here mainly because he put a ring on Jenna’s finger yesterday and they’re celebrating alone. Drake is also absent, and that’s not unusual for a home game. He’s a single dad to three boys and prefers to get home to them and Brienne.

We join Hendrix, Stevie, Stone and Coen at a high top. There are more congrats and backslaps, and I offer one up to Coen who scored two goals tonight.

“Where are Harlow and Tillie?” I ask.

“Harlow’s in the middle of a trial and working,” Stone says, looking glum.

“Tillie’s back in Coudersport, packing up for the movers,” Coen adds and then looks at me pointedly. “You got the invitation for our housewarming, right?”

“Yeah, man.” I think I did. I vaguely recall an email about it.

“Well, you haven’t RSVP’d yet, asshole. We have to know how many are coming so we can prepare.”

“All right, dude. Chill out. This is my confirmation… I’m coming. When is it?”

“Next Saturday.” Coen turns his fierce look on Bain. “And you’re coming?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Bain says, but I can tell by the look on his face he’s not quite sure if he saw the email either.

But neither one of us would miss it because it’s a big step for Coen. He and Tillie bought a house together, and it’s a sign of how committed they are.

I wonder if Danica was invited. Coen had been going to the support group meetings this year and his friendship with her has strengthened. While Dani would never tell me anything Coen or any other member of the group shared with her in confidence, she’s told me on more than one occasion how much she loves talking to Coen and getting to know him better.

Yeah… surely he invited her. So I’ll be able to see her.

Because it’s not like I can bring her as my date. That’s the can of worms I’m not interested in opening right now.

Or should we open it?

I pull out my phone and send her a quick text.You awake?

I am, she replies.

“I’ll be right back,” I say, not really to anyone at our table but I assume they heard me.

I wind through the crowd to the exit and as soon as I step outside, I dial Danica. It’s freezing out here, so I huddle against the building until she answers.

“Hey, you,” she says softly when the line connects. “You played amazing tonight. I’m so proud of you.”

I try to ignore how good her words make me feel, like a little puppy jumping for joy. “Thanks. Travis make it through the entire game?”

“Conked out in the middle of the third period,” she says with a low laugh. “But when I put him to bed, I told him you won.”

I can imagine his reaction. I’ve come to learn this week just how geeked out Travis gets with hockey. We’ve played online together a few times, most recently last night. Travis had some sort of school function they had to go to, which is why I couldn’t see Danica, but after they got home, he and I played together. I never thought something like that would be so fun, but we play in a server with kids Travis’s age and most of them are trash-talkers to the max. None of them know who I am as Travis and I agreed to keep it secret, just so people wouldn’t get distracted.

It’s hilarious when I’m the one trying to sound like a kid dumping on another and I don’t understand half of what they’re saying. Some kid last night let loose a few curse words at Travis, and I kind of lost my shit on him. Told him I’d kick his ass if he didn’t lay off. Apparently, Travis told Danica and she texted me later a rolling eyes emoji withTry to be the mature one, okay?

“I thought you were going to Mario’s tonight,” Danica says, cutting into my thoughts about her kid.

“I was. I mean I am. I stepped outside to call you.”

“That’s nice,” she murmurs. “I was getting ready to go to sleep.”

I rub hard at the back of my neck. Danica under the covers, all warm and snuggly, is something I’d very much like to see right now. I fucked her so hard yesterday, we’ll both be feeling it for days to come, but it wasn’t enough to take away the ache for her. If she invited me over right now, I’d ditch everyone and go.
