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“Perfect. Our cards are an excellent way for us to reach potential clients with specific interests like yourself.”

I grip the phone tighter. “Specific interests?”

“Of course,” he continues. “KNK Matchmaking caters to those looking for unconventional relationships and sexual experiences. We strive to match our clients with partners who share their desires.”

My breath catches. Unconventional? This isn’t just a regular dating service then. My mind whirls as I try to figure out exactly what “unconventional” means.

“I see,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady. “And what type of interests do you cater to?”

“We handle anything from basic kink and role play to polyamory and open relationships,” he says casually. “Our goal is to facilitate deep, meaningful connections between people with adventurous minds.”

Adventurous minds. I can feel myself getting wet just at the thought, possibilities swirling through my mind. This could be even better than I imagined.

“That sounds…interesting,” I say. “What’s the next step to become a client?”

“We have a short questionnaire for you to fill out so we can get a better sense of what you’re looking for in a partner,” he explains. “Once we review your information, we’ll set up your profile and start searching our database for highly compatible matches. Does that sound like something you’d like to pursue?”

I grin, arousal building inside me. “Yes,” I say. “That sounds perfect.”

“Wonderful,” he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice. “If you’ll provide me with your email, I’ll send you the questionnaire to get started.”

This is turning out to be one hell of a night. Looks like I’m about to embark on an adventure I’ll never forget. An adventure that just may lead me to the man of my dreams.

I give him my email and hang up the phone, pulse racing with anticipation. True to his word, the questionnaire arrives in my inbox within minutes.

I pour myself a drink and settle into the couch, ready to divulge my deepest desires to this mysterious matchmaking service. The questions are intimate and probing, covering everything from my sexual fantasies, to relationship goals, to physical preferences.

By the time I reach the end, my cheeks are flushed and I’m uncomfortably aroused. But I answer each question honestly, holding nothing back. If I’m going to go down this path, I need to be up front about who I am and what I want.

When I finish the questionnaire, I press send with a mix of excitement and nerves. There’s no going back now. I’ve put myself out there, laid bare all my hopes and dreams for finding a partner who can fulfill my needs.

All that’s left to do now is wait for KNK to find me a man worthy of my desires. A man who can handle my curves, my ambition, my wild spirit.

A man who just may turn out to be the one, if I’m extremely lucky. I sip my tea and smile, imagining the possibilities of what’s to come. This is the start of an exciting new chapter, and I’m ready to turn that page.

* * *

That night, I toss and turn, anticipation keeping me from sleeping. What kind of man will the matchmakers at KNK select for me? Will we have that elusive ‘spark’ you always hear about, or will it be awkward and forced? I wonder how soon I’ll hear back from them, and if this mystery man is thinking of me too, wherever he is.

When my alarm goes off the next morning, I bolt upright and grab my phone, checking for any new emails. There, at the top of my inbox, is a message from KNK Matchmaking. My heart leaps as I open it with trembling fingers.

The email is short and sweet. They’ve reviewed my questionnaire and found a promising match. His name is Liam, he’s 32, an architect with a creative soul and adventurous streak. He’s looking for a bold, passionate woman to share life’s pleasures with. And he can’t wait to meet me.

Attached is a photo of the man who just may be my perfect match. He’s tall and muscular, with warm brown eyes and a dazzling smile. I stare at his picture, wondering if this could be the start of something real.

I write back immediately, letting KNK know I’m interested in meeting Liam. Within minutes, they’ve set up a date for drinks at a trendy bar. I have a good feeling about this—and I’m more excited than ever. Who knows where it may lead?



The late afternoon sun filters through the floor-to-ceiling windows of my office, basking the sleek metal desk in golden light. I roll my neck and shoulders, easing the tension that’s built up after hunching over architectural plans for the past six hours.

When I stand up to stretch, the receptionist—what’s her name again? Amy? Amanda?—does a double take and pretends to shuffle papers. I catch her gaze skimming down my body, taking in my broad shoulders and trim waist. Can’t say I blame her. At six-foot-three, I’m built like a brick shithouse, as my dad would say.

With a sly grin, I saunter over to the windows. Below, the city streets are jammed with taxis and traffic, a chaotic jungle of concrete and steel. But up here in my office, all is quiet. Peaceful.

Almost too peaceful.
