Page 31 of Rescue Renovations

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“Yes, and don’t get me started on that. It’s bad enough that he’s cheating on you with a coworker, and they got caught AT SCHOOL but NOBODY mentioned it to you, but now you’re telling me she’s very pregnant with his baby? I knew he was a smarmy ass, but this is beyond smarmy. You don’t have to worry about assault because I’m heading straight to murder. Lord knows I can make it look like an accident and nobody will ever figure it out.”

“Things I never need to hear any of my daughters say.” I was so mad that I didn’t even realize Dad came out to sit on the porch to hang out with us. I throw my hands on my hips and glare at him.

“Did you know about this?” I raise my eyebrow at him and move my hands from my hips and fold them across my chest to let him know I mean business.

“Yes, I found out at the grocery store when Spence and I saw them shopping. The chicken shit was so scared and trying to get away that he knocked over a display of Depends and then face planted into them. I didn’t understand what was going on until Spencer told me. It was pretty funny after I calmed down.” I hmph because that would be funny as hell. Before I can get going again, Spencer stands and grabs my hands.

“It’s okay Chayse. I mean, what they did was not okay by any means, but I’m honestly grateful it happened. I’ve had time to think about it, and I wasn’t in love with him and hadn’t been in a long time. But I was so focused on my goals, that I ignored the signs that our relationship was deteriorating. The only reason I’m not looking forward to going back to school is seeing all of the pitying looks from my coworkers. They were all on eggshells last year thinking I was going to break, and it made the entire situation so much worse.”

“Well, the only thing left to do is find the best, but appropriate, sexy teacher outfit and knock his socks off the first day of school. Show him what an idiot he was for trading you in for plastic.”

We all laugh, and Spencer gives me a big hug.

“Thanks, Chayse. I love you.”

“Always. Love you, too.”

Just then we hear a squeal as we are hit hard from the side and tackled to the ground. Ugh, what the fuck was that? But before I can even get the words out, I hear Emerson giggling. Of course, our baby sister would join in the love fest and end up taking us all down.

“Hey, Squirt. How’d the emergency go?”

“It was fine. Sweet Sally Jenkins locked her keys in her car and didn’t know what to do so she had a tow truck bring it to the shop. Thankfully it was her friend’s nephew who took the call, so he did it at no cost. I called her granddaughter, Kat, and she came over with the spare key to open the car, and drive her home.”

“Kat was so upset that her grandmother called a tow truck. The keys weren’t locked in the car, Kat hid them because Sally keeps forgetting things and trying to drive to places without asking Kat to take her instead. Her dementia is getting bad, and Kat isn’t sure what to do about it. She mentioned moving in, but her grandma refuses that she needs help.”

“Damn, that sucks.”

Chapter Fifteen


Beforewecanfretanymore about Kat and her sweet grandma, we hear country music and a loud truck coming up the road. I whip my head because I know the sound of that truck. Spencer and Emerson both laugh at my reaction, but I don’t care. There’s no way I’m getting out of today without them ridiculing me, so I might as well embrace it.

Cash parks on the road and I can see Penny bouncing in the back seat she’s so excited. As soon as Cash gets her scooter out of the back, she’s zooming up the sidewalk. Her blond pigtails are lopsided, and she’s got something red on her chin. Damn, she’s so freaking cute. Her dad is close behind her to make sure she doesn’t fall, and I can’t stop staring.

Cash looks hot as fuck in shorts, a tank top, and a backwards hat. He’s got stubble on his face, and I can’t help but imagine how it would feel on my sensitive inner thighs. I don’t even realize I’m biting my lip and staring at Cash until my eyes connect with his and I see the smirk on his face. It quickly turns into my favorite grin, dimples and all, and I swear my panties are instantly soaked. This is going to be a long afternoon trying not to jump his bones.

“Hi Chayse! I missed you! What are you doing and why are your hands dirty? Daddy, look! Chayse is playing in the dirt. How’s comes you don’t let me play in the dirt?”

“Hi munchkin. I wasn’t playing in the dirt so much as I was helping Spencer weed the flower beds. My mom loved her flowers, and she passed that love down to us girls before she passed away.”

“Oh. They’re so pretty. Do you think I could help with the flowers?”

“Sure, but we’re already done for today. Do you want to meet everyone, or should we wait for Uncle Reid to make the introductions?”

“Actually, Reid texted me to let me know he was swinging by to grab Landon and then they’d be here shortly. No point waiting around for him. Hi Spencer, Emerson, Mr. Wilson. This little devil is Penelope, Penny for short.”

“Hi Penny, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Spencer. Let me guess, you’re 5, right?” Spencer is kneeling down in front of Penny and tapping her chin like she’s deep in thought. It’s no wonder her kindergarten kiddos love her. She’s a natural.

“Yes! How did you know?”

“Good guess. I teach kindergarten and you looked to be the age of my kiddos.”

“I get to go to the big school in a few weeks! Maybe you will be my teacher.”

“I wish, but I don’t have any Penelope’s in my class. But hopefully I will see you in the hall sometime.”

“Hi Penny. I’m Emerson. Do you like baking?”
