Page 44 of Rescue Renovations

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“I don’t know if there would be anyone better to handle sick children than you. You’re an incredible nurse and relate to children so well. You would be fantastic in that role and would most definitely be an asset for them. Plus, it would be a step up in your career.”

“Thanks, Spence. There’s also the fact that I would have to leave you guys and dad. I already feel like I miss so much stuff because of work, but it would be even worse living three hours away.”

“Eh, we’ll just have to plan better, but we can handle that.”

“So, what do I do about Cash and Penny. Ask him to do a long distant relationship and hope I could make it back here a few times a month to see them? That doesn’t seem fair.”

“He could come to you, ya know?” Em says with a little sass.

“Sure, but that would be hard on Penny.”

“That girl is resilient. She would be fine going to visit you.”

“Okay, but what do I do when I miss them so fucking much I can’t breathe? Is it fair to do that to Children’s Hospital?”

“I think that’s a conversation you’ll have to have with Cash. See where he stands. But as far as the job goes, it doesn’t hurt to interview. You could even see about going for a job shadow. Get a feel of how they do things and see if you like it.”

“Damn, Spence. That’s a brilliant idea! This is exactly why I needed you guys. So, enough about me. How is the new mechanic going, Em?”

“Laawrd, that man is going to be the fucking death of me. I’ve never had so many conversations that deal around grunts and mumbled words and a lot of swear words. He drives me nuts, but he’s a fucking awesome mechanic and sexy as fuck to watch while he works. Too bad I can never go there.”

“Why couldn’t you?”

“For one, I’m his, and all the other guys' boss. How would that look if I start sleeping with one of the employees as soon as dad hands the business over. And for two, he’s the grumpy to my sunshine, the best friend’s older brother, and as much as I love me a good romance novel, I’m not ready to turn my life into one.”

I can’t help but burst out laughing as Em goes on. She’s most definitely the hopeless romantic out of all of us and the most likely to have a real life HEA happen. But, I’m not going to burst her bubble by pointing that out.

The rest of the day is spent laying in the sun and enjoying the water while be all relax and get to just be with each other. On the hike back to the car, I decide that I am going to do a phone interview and see about doing a job shadow. That way I will have a better idea and know I am making the best possible decision for myself.

I have the interview two days later and it goes really well. They want me to come to an in person interview and love the idea of me doing a job shadow. I talked to Dr. Piercy and he’s fine with me taking a week or two to go and get acclimated so that I can make a more informed decision.

Things have been strained with Cash. It’s only been a few days, but our conversations have been forced and we haven’t been able to make our schedules sync up so that we can spend some time together.

I didn’t want a relationship, but I couldn’t deny what was between us. But this anxiety that won’t stop tormenting me is exactly why I didn’t want a relationship. I am busy at work and not having one hundred percent focus on my patients is dangerous.

I am also dreading telling him about how the interview went today. He was really supportive when I told him on the phone, but I just don’t know if that’s how he truly feels.

I’m glad Reid has a baseball game tonight and I have the night off so that I can go. Cash didn’t specifically ask me to go, but I know him and Penny will be there, and Landon is going too. Reid has become like a brother to me, so there’s no way I’m letting a little tension between Cash and I keep me from going to support my friend.

I get to the field and as soon as I make my way towards the bleachers, Penny is racing towards me. She launches from a few feet away and I jump forward to snag her out of the air. She giggles as she squeezes the life out of me, and I can’t help but join in her laughter.

“Chayse, I misseded you. I haven’t seen you in forevvvvvver.”

“I know. I’ve missed you, too. It’s definitely been way too long. How does that leg feel? You seem to be getting around pretty well.”

“It feels great! Lando says swimming is the bestest way to make my leg better and I think he’s right. It feels just like it did before I breaked it!”

“That’s great news squirt! Maybe one of these days I can go swimming with you guys?”

“Yesssss!!!” She’s squirming out of my arms in the next second as she races back towards her dad. “Daddy, did you hear? Chayse wants to go swimming with Lando and me. Wouldn’t that be the bestest thing ever?”

“Yes, baby. That sounds like it would be a lot of fun.” Turning towards me, Cash holds his hand out to me. Once I grab his hand, he pulls me into a side hug since he has Penny on his other hip. He gives me a quick kiss, much to Penny’s dismay. She makes a gagging noise and tries to get out of his arms.

“Quit squirming before I drop you.”

“Fine, but quit smooching Chayse. I know you looooove her, but I don’t needs to see ya smooching.”

Cash grabs the back of his neck as he looks at Penny and tries to avoid eye contact with me. Seeing as he’s being awkward as fuck, I decide to break the tension.

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