Page 52 of Brewing Brilliance

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A few of my teacher friends are coming. One in particular was a shock to many, but it feels weird getting married without Brant there. After Maverick proposed, Brant and Jasmine had been at The Tavern the one night I was there visiting Mav while he worked. They asked if I’d like to join them, and even though I was a little hesitant, I’m so glad I did. Maverick was even able to come over for a bit, and he and Brant got along really well.

From that night on, we’ve gotten together with them a handful of times before the baby came. Brant’s little girl looks exactly like her mama and is absolutely as sweet as can be.

The day of the ceremony was a whirl wind. I had the best photographer capture every little detail that I didn’t even know I’d want to have. Maverick’s vows made me cry and laugh all in one go.

Our first dance was magical as was all of the food and Mav’s brand new beer. Because we decided to keep the actual wedding small, we decided that we’d hang out for a little bit once The Tavern was opened and I’m so glad I did.

We hired a local band who kicked the party off and had us dancing the night away. I’ve always loved going out with my sisters and Seraphine and letting loose and dancing, albeit a little more reservedly than I am now. It was the one thing I didn’t try to shy away from. But it didn’t last long once a certain mechanic snuck his way onto the floor and stole Emerson away.

Cash came to me earlier in the week and we had a pretty awesome conversation. When it came time to toss my bouquet, a certain redhead sister of mine came up victorious. Once the guys saw who won the bouquet, there was no competition for Cash.

The music came on and Cash put on a good show for the crowd, but when he got down on one knee, nobody, including Chayse, could have guessed what was coming next. Right there in the middle of The Tavern in front of all of our family and friends, Cash asked Chayse to marry him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my sister happier in my life and I will always cherish the fact that Cash proposed on the day I married my forever man.


Maverick-Three Years Later

Damn,Iloveagood cookout in the summer and there’s none better than the ones we have at Spencer’s dad’s place. Granted, there’s a lot more work involved with getting everything ready now that there are so many more mouths to feed and babies to juggle, but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.

It’s nice getting to spend that time in the kitchen with my wife while we make food that our family is going to end up loving. It also helps that Papa Wilson’s lady friend, Miss Jeanie, is a kickass cook and loves helping us out.

It’s been three years, but it feels like it’s gone by in a flash. Spencer and I were ecstatic to find out pretty soon after the wedding that we were expecting. We welcomed our first little girl a week before Halloween. She’s the light of my life and the spitting image of her Mama, but has my eyes. To say she has me wrapped around her finger is an understatement.

Seeing Spencer as a mother, I knew it wouldn’t be long until we were adding another little one to our mix. Spencer and Chayse were both pregnant together the first time, and if my suspicions are right, it looks like they might be the second time around as well.

Spencer is six months pregnant and as sexy as she’s ever been. We’re waiting to find out the sex of the baby, but it’s honestly fucking killing me.

As for The Tavern, business has been booming. Gage finally talked me into opening up our own bottling line and our sales instantly tripled. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to handle the extra workload, but thankfully I have the best staff who have grown right along with my business.

Gage is now my partner, and it was one of the best moves I’ve made. Even though he didn’t want to admit it to begin with, it was one of the things that helped him heal and move on. We finally had that heart to heart, and I don’t blame him for being closed off and wanting a change of pace. I’m just glad he landed here and decided to stay.

Spencer is still at the school and still kicking ass as one of the best kindergarten teachers out there. I love helping her decorate her class every year and seeing how excited she gets when she finally gets to meet her new students. But my favorite day of the school year is career day.

Every year Spencer lets me come in and take over her classroom. We spend the whole day focusing on food. I have some of my local farm vendors come in and talk about growing the food that their little bodies need. After talking about where the food comes from, we all work together to make a meal.

I love seeing their excitement, but even more so the pride on my wife’s face while she watches on and helps wrangle the tiny ankle biters. We make a kick ass team which was how we ended up doing a week long cooking summer camp.

My brilliant wife came up with the idea and reached out to the school board to see if we would be able to use the vocational school to host our cooking summer camp. They loved the idea and suggested we partner with the high school culinary art students who could earn hours towards their practical experience by helping out. It’s been an absolute hit and something I look forward to all year.

Sometimes I look back and I can’t even fathom living the way I did before Spencer came into my life. She was a brilliant light to my emptiness that I didn’t even know I was drowning in, and I wouldn’t change our life together for the world.
