Page 62 of Hex

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“For the record, my dick never stopped working,” he seethes. “It was the rest of me that was too painful to move.”

Now, the three of us stand at the front of the room, waiting for our women to come walking down the aisle. Evanesce and Mama transformed the small space overnight, covering it with fairy lights, flowy fabric, and hundreds of flowers. When Pocus saw it, he nearly choked.

It doesn’t matter how he feels about the décor, though. He had his big church wedding. Today is about Juliana and me. Despite the short turnaround, she deserves the most beautiful wedding I can give her.

Knix, in particular, questioned our rush to get down the aisle. He pointed out that if we truly loved one another, waiting for a few months would be no big deal. I secretly think that is why Evanesce threw herself so fully into the decorations. She and Knix have been together for years with no indication they’ll ever get married. This wedding is her way of trying to get him to take a hint. It doesn’t seem to be working, though.

The two of them sit together, looking cozy, but I notice she’s definitely annoyed with him. I point it out to Pocus, who laughs and rolls his eyes. He’s not getting involved in his sister’s relationship. That’s apparently where he draws the line.

Music fills the room, and I realize this is happening. I’m marrying a woman I’ve only known for a few weeks, and I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. Tory walks down the aisle to the rhythm of the music, smiling brightly at Seer the whole way. She’s barely showing, but she glows the way only a pregnant woman can. Everything about her body language displays her joy.

Abigail walks behind her, winking at Pocus, who visibly swallows. I chuckle under my breath, remembering what he shared about her increased sexual appetite. He is probably in for a wild ride after the reception.

The music stops and the door is closed. The song changes, and the door reopens, showing Juliana on the other side, looking radiant. Next to her is Mama, who happily agreed to walk Juliana down the aisle. Without her parents or any other family in the States, the people she cares about most are all part of this strange little community of ours.

It wasn’t a question, though. Mama played such a huge role in bringing her back to life. Without her, Seer and Pocus might never have trusted her. She was the obvious choice to take on such a special task.

I can’t help the tears springing to my eyes when I see Juliana. She smiles at me, her whole face bright and open and completely in love. The closer she gets to me, the more I realize I get to spend the rest of my life with her. It’s overwhelming to consider how much better my life has become since meeting her.

When she reaches me, she places her hand in mine, and we turned to face Snake. He got ordained online just so he could perform our ceremony. My friends, my brothers, are really something else. They all wanted to play a role in our special day, and we were more than happy to find a way to incorporate them.

Snake guides us through our vows, though we skip theTill Death Do Us Partbit. After all, it was her near-death that brought us together. Nothing as silly as that would be able to part us. We’ll be together for all of eternity, whether in this universe or another.

I barely comprehend the words Snake asks me to repeat. My entire focus is on Juliana. The way her cheeks brighten or the way she smiles during her vows. Nothing exists apart from her.

“Hex?” Snake asks, and I feel Pocus nudge me.

“Sorry,” I say, coming back to myself.

Everyone laughs, and Juliana eyes me impatiently.

“I said you can kiss your bride,” Snake repeats, chuckling.

Oh, hell yeah. That I can do. I pull her against me quickly, causing her to gasp. Her arms wrap around my neck as mine encircle her waist, and I lean down to touch my lips sweetly to hers. At the last minute, I dip, her, causing her to squeal in surprise and laugh out loud. She kisses me back with all the love and passion she can muster.

She’s my wife. It’s official.

We walk out of the meeting room hand in hand and step out to the lawn where a stunning reception area is set up. The guys went all out for this. A two-day engagement has not deterred them from throwing us a proper wedding party. Juliana giggles wildly when she sees it, and I guide her toward the open bar, where Buffy hands us each a cocktail. The base is tequila.

We drink it down and wait for our guests to file out of the house. Then, the party really begins. Knix blasts music from a speaker, and Juliana pulls me out on the dance floor.

We spend hours enjoying our friends and each other. We eat delicious food and repeat our honeymoon plans dozens of times because our friends get too smashed to remember. Tory is the only one not drinking, of course, but she and Pocus arranged the trip.

We’re going to Brazil for a few weeks. Juliana has family there that she hasn’t seen since her parents’ accident. She’s eager to show me her family’s hometown and introduce me to her extended family, but it scares the shit out of me. What I’m looking forward to is endless days in a hotel room, claiming her over and over again.

At some point in the evening, Pocus and I find ourselves in a secluded corner of the yard, smoking a cigarette and watching our friends dance around like idiots.

“Did you ever think we’d be married men?” Pocus asks, laughing.

“You’ve been married for years now,” I remind him. “It’s not really a surprise anymore.”

He claps me on the shoulder. “Are you kidding? Every morning I wake up surprised Abigail is still with my sorry ass. Marriage is a gift, my friend. But it’s also a choice we make every day.”

“I think the drinks are getting to you,” I joke, not missing the way his eyes glaze over. He’s definitely a few sheets to the wind.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he protests, taking a long drag of his cigarette. “But it’s so weird, right? A few years ago we were miserable bastards riding through life with no real purpose. And now we’re married! I’m married, you’re married, Seer’s married.”

He slurs his words, definitely feeling the effects of the tequila. I laugh and lean back in my chair, closing my eyes. “Can you believe we both met our wives because of Anderson Grey?” I ask, voicing my thought from the other night.

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