Page 62 of Graveyard

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Six Weeks Later

The expectant faces eye me as I walk out into the waiting room. Seer, Hex, Bones, Snake, and even Gator are here to support Pocus and Abigail. Tory and Juliana decided to have a weekend-long sleepover so Daisy would be entertained while her parents were at the hospital. The guys have taken shifts during Abigail’s long labor.

“It’s a boy,” I tell the guys, and they all stand and cheer.

I laugh, taking in their excitement. It’s like they saw their favorite football team score a touchdown. When Pocus comes out a few minutes later to tell them the news himself, they embrace him and Gator pops a bottle of fake champagne. One of the more harried nurses comes by to tell us to pipe down. When she sees me standing there, she assumes I have the situation under control. The joke is on her, though. I’m only adding to the rowdiness.

I walk Pocus back to his wife’s room while the nurses finish cleaning up his new son. The baby blinks helplessly, traumatized to be ejected from his safe, warm home. I don’t envy him. Abigail’s decided to circumcise him, so there’s trauma yet to come.

He is precious as he tests out his lungs and tells the nurses exactly how furious he is. I’m calling it now, he’ll be their problem child. When he’s finally cleaned up and wrapped in a warm blanket, a nurse hands him to Abigail, who beams at him with unabandoned adoration.

I watch my friends coo over their new son and quietly slip out of the room, giving them privacy. Now that the little man has entered the world, I’m off duty. I can finally go home. It’s been two torturous days without seeing Meredith. I text her on my way home, asking her to meet me there.

As the head of pediatric surgery, I never had to deliver babies. Sometimes I’m there to assist if the child has some kind of abnormality, but being in the delivery room always leaves me with nervous energy. It’s strange watching a new life enter the world. It is equally beautiful and disgusting, and I’ll stand by that forever.

I’d rather fix a kid with a bone sticking out of his skin than assist with a delivery. But Abigail is my friend, and I promised her I’d be nearby. Thankfully, I’ve already gone through this process with her once, so it’s not as hard for me to look her in the eye now. After Daisy was born, I could barely be in the same room with her for six months. There are some parts of our friends we should never have to see.

Now I’m jumpy and frantic, and I miss Meredith. I look down at my phone and see that she’s working late, but she promises to come over as soon as she can. Dammit. I’m dying to be inside her. It’s my favorite place in the world.

I never expected her. I never thought I would fall in love with anyone, but she especially came out of the blue. Considering I almost lost my career helping her, most people would think we make an odd pair, but we’re a perfect fit. It’s like life was black in white before her. Now things are in sharp, clear color.

She has me thinking in sappy similes. I can hardly believe we’ve only been together for less than three months. I feel like she’s been in my life forever. I certainly want her to be in my life forever. The thought doesn’t scare me. It’s a truth that’s become as real to me as the heart in my chest. I’m in love with her.

I wait impatiently for her to come, burning some of my energy by tidying up my apartment. I’m hardly ever here. If I’m not at her apartment or the hospital, I’m at the clubhouse. I’ve been trying to put in more face time these last few months. With that in mind, my place is basically a disaster.

Old dishes in the sink have mold growing on them. I decide the best course of action is to throw them away and buy new dishes. I wipe the counters and sweep the floors. When I look at the clock, it’s only been half an hour. What the fuck did I do with myself before I met Meredith? There’s no way time always moved this slowly.

I’m making the bed when she finally knocks on the door. It’s been nearly three hours. My apartment is the cleanest it’s ever been. With all that, I should be exhausted, but the thought of her energizes me. I don’t let her say hello when I open the door. I pull her inside and lift her skirt.

Fuck, she doesn’t have any panties on. She knew how much I needed her. She expected this. Her hands go to my pants. I’ve purposely changed into sweats to make it easier for her. I’m not wearing any underwear either. I grab her ass and lift her, just like I did the first time. Only this time, I’m taking her against the door. I’ve built up a lot of stamina since then.

She kisses me hard and moans in surprise when I enter her. I have one hand supporting her waist and one braced against the door. She holds on to me tightly with her arms and legs, and I pound into her quickly. Fuck, she’s so wet. She must have been thinking about this all the way here. Like I’ve been thinking about her.

We don’t talk, only kiss and fuck until we come together. We’ve set a record. That was the quickest I’ve ever come, for sure. She’s breathless, satisfied.

“Hi,” she whispers as I let her down and support her as she finds her footing.

I crash my lips into hers hard. She pushes me backward toward the couch. Her skirt is still hiked up and my dick is out, swinging as she pushes me. Her eyes are dark and dangerous. She already wants more. The look in her eye makes me stand at attention. Another record for recovery time too.

“How do you want it?” I whisper seductively into her ear.

Her whole body shudders and her skin breaks out in goosebumps. “Fuck,” she whispers. “I don’t care, I just need you, Graveyard.”

I push her into the back of the couch, undoing her shirt from behind. She lifts her arms, letting me pull off her blouse and her bra in one quick motion. I quickly take off my shirt so my chest is against her back. I press myself against her. “Like this?” I ask, groping her breasts.

She spreads her legs and grabs the back of the couch for support. “More,” she growls.

I play with her tit with one hand, while I slowly drag the other down her body, causing more bumps along her stomach. Her skirt is bunched around her waist, but no matter. I move my hand around it and slip my fingers inside her, causing her to double over in pleasure. She’s wide open for me, so fucking wet and warm.

I keep my fingers moving in a slow, teasing motion while I enter her from behind. We haven’t tried this position before, but I can tell she’s losing her mind over it. She screams my name at a level only dogs should be able to hear. She stands on her tiptoes, giving us both better access.

I push in and out of her, slow at first, then more frantic as she cries out my name faster and faster. My fingers play with her clit and she gasps in pleasure, so much so that I barely notice how good I feel. There’s only her, her sounds, and her moans. Her pleasure is my pleasure.

“Harder,” she yells in a voice that’s barely human.

I give it to her as hard as I possibly can. The couch rocks underneath us, moving slightly with each thrust. She holds it so tight that her knuckles turn white.

“Let go, baby,” I whisper in her ear. “Come for me.”
