Page 63 of Graveyard

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She screams in pleasure, and I feel her squeezing around me. She’s wetter than usual. Fuck, I made her squirt. Record number three. I’m racking up serious awards tonight.

“I don’t think I can come again,” she pants against the couch as I pull out of her. “I don’t think I can come again. That was so fucking good.” She collapses onto the floor in a heap, completely spent. I sink next to her and pull her into my lap, holding her against me as her breathing returns to normal.

“Where did you learn to do that?” she asks, astonished. “No, I don’t want to know. I don’t want to know why you’re so good at this.”

I laugh loudly, the sound echoing around the apartment. “I’m a doctor,” I remind her. “And I seem to remember having the highest grade in my anatomy class.”

“No kidding,” she says, leaning back against my chest. “If there were a grade higher than an A plus, you’ve earned it. Ten out of ten. One million percent. You can graduate on that performance alone.”

I laugh at her babbling. She’s so cute when she’s keyed up like this. It’s my favorite type of afterglow. She winds her fingers in mine and kisses my hands. “These are magic hands,” she whispers, pulling one of my fingers inside her mouth.

“Well, I do use them to save lives,” I respond smugly.

“Forget that,” she whispers. “These hands were specifically made to drive me crazy,” she moans.

“It’s my God-given purpose.” I sigh. “I’ve never made a woman squirt before,” I admit, placing a kiss on her shoulder.

“Good,” she responds happily. “I’d spend the rest of my life wondering how many girls have gotten that kind of pleasure from you. I’d make a hit list.”

I chuckle, kissing the top of her head. I lean my head against the back of the couch and close my eyes, enjoying this moment with her, with her silly, nonsensical babbling and her body pressed into mine.

“I love you,” I whisper, and I immediately feel her tense.

Shit. I wasn’t supposed to say it like that. It was supposed to be much more romantic. There would be a homemade dinner and flowers. Then I would make love to her all night. I’ve freaked her out. She’s not talking.

I open my eyes and look down at her. Her back is pressed against my chest, so I can’t see her face. But her skin is a soft shade of pink, though I’m not sure if that’s from my admission or our excursions.

“Meredith,” I whisper. “Don’t feel any pressure to say it back. It slipped out. I didn’t mean to say it like that.”

She slowly moves off of me, and I feel like I’m going to die. A few minutes ago, I was on top of the fucking world. Now I feel like a piece of gum under her shoe. How did I fuck this up so quickly?

She doesn’t get far. She turns around to face me and takes my face in her hands. She leans down to kiss me very slowly and very sweetly. I wrap my arms around her, terrified she’ll let go of me.

“The last person who said that to me…” She falters. “No. Fuck, this isn’t about him. Graveyard, you’re the only person I’ve ever truly loved,” she admits quickly.

Thank fuck. Thank every god out there, real or imagined. I kiss her hard until she’s breathless and writhing against me. Record number three. And, add to that record, she did come again. And again. And again.


Three Months Later

“Meredith!” Charlie screams when I walk into the backyard.

It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen her over the last few months, she’s always excited to see me. It’s such a nice change from our old relationship. There were times when I was sure she couldn’t wait to get rid of me. Now she’s over the moon every time I walk in the door.

The last six months have done wonders for Charlie. Not only does she meet regularly with Tory to work on her gift, but she’s meeting with a therapist I trust. He has experience working with gifted kids and is my top pick to head the therapy section of my new community center. We’re a few months away from my grand opening.

It’s hard now to imagine that angry, sullen girl who wouldn’t talk to me at that diner all those months ago. She’s able to be a kid and enjoy her life. She has parents who love her and she’s made a ton of friends at school. She’s chomping at the bit for me to open the community center so she can make more friends. She’s become quite the little social butterfly. Today, we get to celebrate her birthday.

We’re in Pocus and Abigail’s backyard. They were so gracious to let Juliana and I set up the party here. Juliana came to me a month ago asking me what we should do for Charlie’s birthday. She was a nervous wreck, having been to all of Daisy and Nicky’s parties over the years. She was worried she’d screw it up.

I called in the professionals, and everyone chipped in to make this a special day. I’m not sure because Charlie won’t talk about her past, but I have a feeling this is the first birthday party she’s ever had. She’s gotten completely into it, proudly wearing the plastic crown and sash Juliana bought for her.

I notice her hair is expertly braided into a fancy, complicated braid, courtesy of her mom. She’s always talking about how much she loves to have her hair braided. For the special day, Juliana added some fun, sparkly extensions. Charlie is the bell of the ball, flitting in and out of the various social groups and making sure no one has too much fun without her.

I can’t help but laugh at the parents of her school friends as they awkwardly stand around not sure what to make of our strange family. The entire MC has shown up for this party, piling Charlie’s gifts up high. She nearly fainted when she saw the presents for her. She asked me if she had to keep them all or if she could share them with her friends. She’s constantly making me tear up.

Graveyard bought her a toy medical kit, and I almost bought out the entire toy section of Target. I’ve never been able to celebrate one of my kid’s birthdays. Once the community center is open, I’ll make a huge deal of every child’s birthday. Abigail has already started stockpiling decorations for me.
