Page 65 of Graveyard

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I smile in delight and pull him inside me. He hisses harshly, that sound that drives me wild. I cry out in pleasure, so ready for him. This never gets old. I don’t know how I’ll survive without him when I’m opening the center, but that’s months away. Right now, he’s inside of me, moving as slowly as he can.

Our love-making isn’t hurried tonight. There’s only us and all the time in the world. He thrusts inside me for as long as he can last. When he knows he’s close, he slides his fingers over my clit, bringing me to my climax with him. He collapses next to me, pulling me against his chest. We’re knocked out again, dreaming about one another.


Six Months Later

“It’s getting ridiculous,” Pocus complains over a pack of beers.

We’re having a guys’ night, me, Pocus, Seer, Hex, and Knix. We’ve formed an unofficial clique inside the MC. We’re the guys with serious significant others. Knix has successfully survived his first year of marriage, and Pocus has finally gotten Benji on a sleep schedule.

Everyone is happy. Well, they’re happy with their partners. Everyone is furious with us. It seems our friends have started a betting pool to see when Meredith and I will get engaged. So far, everyone is out except for Knix and Tory.

“Seer, you should’ve been better at this,” I joke. “Can’t you predict the future?”

“It’s not as precise as you think,” he grumbles, taking a swig of his beer.

“Frankly, I’m glad you two haven’t rushed to get engaged,” Knix says. Pocus, Seer, and Hex throw their coasters at him.

“What?” he asks offended. “Hex is the one who had to fuck up my relationship by getting married after three days.”

“How did that fuck up your relationship?” Hex asks, sounding genuinely offended. “It seems to me that you and the Mrs. are doing just fine.”

“And we would’ve lived together in sin for the rest of our lives, but decorating for your wedding gave her the bug,” Knix retorts. “If I didn’t propose to her, she’d have my balls on a platter.”

“I was going to have your balls on a platter,” Pocus interjects. “I still might. Don’t talk about my sister like that.”

“Like what?” Knix asks innocently. “You want to know all the lurid details of our sex life?”

Pocus chucks an empty beer bottle at him, but Knix ducks in time, causing the bottle to hit the wall and break into pieces on the floor.

“I’m not giving anyone stitches tonight.” I shoot Pocus a reprimanding glare.

He at least has the sense to look sheepish.

“I’m just saying,” Pocus continues as if nothing happened. “My wife is already talking about having another baby. I need a wedding to distract her. I don’t think I have another kid in me.”

“I know what you mean,” Seer chimes in. “Nicky’s terrible twos have extended to his terrible fives. You got a little angel with Daisy, and I got the spawn of Satan.”

“Trust me,” Pocus says, his eyes widening. “Benji is the spawn of Satan. His colic has lasted for a full nine months.”

“It’s not colic,” I remind him. “I’ve checked him out a dozen times. I think he just doesn’t like you.”

“Maybe he’d calm down if you ask Meredith to marry you,” he shoots back with a smirk.

I lean back in my chair and start counting the popcorn on the ceiling. We’ve had this conversation a million times over the last month. It’s been a rough time for me and Meredith.

She just opened her community center. I’ve barely had any time to spend with her for three months. Well, that’s not entirely true. We’ve spent many a stolen hour in the hospital, locking ourselves in whatever closet, on-call room, or empty patient room we could find. But good sex does not a relationship make. Well, not an engagement.

Now things are settling down for her. She’s got a great board of directors steering the ship. She’s hired a full-time staff she’s happy with. She was so nitpicky in the beginning, but she had to be. Every staff member who walks through the door had to be fully vetted by her personally. She’s not risking anyone hurting her kids.

The community center has seriously revolutionized the city in a way we couldn’t have expected. Once word got out that the center was for gifted children, she was inundated. The amount of kids has exceeded her expectations, but thankfully, so have the donations. The board of directors is already talking about duplicating her model in other cities across the country.

It’s been amazing to watch her climb. It’s hard to believe that just a year ago, she was a desperate woman asking for my help to sneak Charlie out of the hospital. With her help, we’ve trained an entire special staff to look for signs of gifts and respond accordingly. They’re getting the medical treatment they need without the threat of mental institutions.

Sometimes I see the regret she carries for the kids who didn’t make it. For every Charlie, there’s a handful of Montys. She holds them in her heart and mourns their loss, but she’s working through it. Sometimes I wonder if she’ll ever be satisfied with the work she’s done, but every time she gets a new case, she throws herself into it as if it’s the very first one. I love her for it.

I leave the guys, going back to Meredith’s apartment. We’ve unofficially moved in together. I was rarely using my apartment. Sometimes, this is the only way we can see each other all week. When I get home, she’s not there, and I fall asleep with my face pressed into her pillow. I hear my friends’ voices in my ear, and I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this. I’ve been kidding myself that I can live like this. That I don’t want more.
