Page 42 of Signed for You

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I let my mind forget the chaos, the pain, the despair and the worry as I worship him and everything he’s willing to let me take.

I want all of it. All of him. All of everything we could be when we unite. His lips feel like a fire against my own, his tongue darting between our lips in a war to take control.

For the single soluble moment that the kiss takes, I allow him and the thoughts of him to take over my mind, my body, my whole entity. My hands ripple through his hair as he clings to my waist lifting me so that my legs wrap around his.

I can feel him against my core. His want, his need, his desire, all matching my own in the heated tendril of war that consumes me as our lips collide and my mind clears of anything but him.

The roaring in my mind is interrupted by the very literal roaring in the hallway.

Crow puts me down in a rush, pushing me towards the bathroom as the crashing and screams appear closer.

Those screams aren’t drunken fights or brawls. The bellows, howls and yells sound as terrified as I feel. The sounds ricochet around me, causing me to tremble. I want to clamp my hands over my ears, but I also want to know what is going on. It sounds like we’re being attacked. And if we are, then why? Who? A volley of gunshots ring out, and I cower behind Crow even as he reaches for his weapon.

The door crashes open as Victor runs in, a gun in each hand, his face filled with fury and relief when he sees me behind Crow.

“Get her out. Take her to mine. I’ll hold them off,” he yells at Crow as he runs back out the door and down the hall.

“What’s happening?” I squeal out as Crow grabs my hand and begins running for the door and dragging me down the opposite side of the hallway in the direction Victor just ran.

“I don’t know and I don’t care to find out right now. We need to go. Come on.” He rushes out as we run along the corridor to the empty staircase. As we run down, the screams and deafening roars of gunshots grow.

“Fuck, stop.” Crow drags me back, pushing me up against a wall as I hear more shots ring out at the side of the hallway that lead to the bottom of the stairs we are currently occupying.

Crow edges his head around to check the way is clear before he pulls me along to the back entrance door and runs for his truck, all the while holding my hand with a gun in his other hand.

Within minutes we are on the road.

“What about Alice and my dad? We need to do something, Crow, we can’t just leave them all there to fend for themselves,” I rush out, worry and anxiety for them building to the surface now that we are no longer in danger ourselves.

"We aren’t going back. The chances are high that whoever it is wants you, not anyone else. I am not taking you back to a place where you are the one that’s wanted. Between The Cobras and The Laidens, they’ll be fine, I promise.” His words do nothing to ease the dread that fills me; if anything, they just amplify the worry knowing that those ruthless enough to go after a woman for a bounty pay check will also be ruthless enough to hurt anyone they need to.

I pull my phone from my pocket and dial Alice’s number, knowing that she above anyone else I care for is the most vulnerable in that situation.

“Charlie! Where are you?” Alice’s voice fills the midnight air around me, and I breathe a sigh of relief hearing her voice.

“I’m fine, where are you?” There is no noise in the background, no shouting or screaming, no shots, so I assume she is either hidden or has been taken somewhere safe.

“I’m at home. Edgar got me and drove me back the moment it all started. I was so scared, Charlie.”

“Edgar? As in Edgar, The Devil's Dealers Edgar?” My tone shoots sky high, inquisitive and worried once more, knowing that she’s in or was in the enemies’ hands.

“Victor made a deal with them. I don’t think everyone’s exactly on friendly terms but they are willing to help. He’s gone now, but he was decent enough when he was here,” she tells me, her tone filled with positivity. Alice is such a preppy and happy person that you would never be able to guess at the troubles she holds within.

“OK, as long as he was fine with you and he’s gone now, I don’t care. Is Kira safe at home with you?” I ask.

“Yeah, she’s in bed sleeping, thank god. Edgar said he’s posting guards for the next few days while everyone’s still on high alert in case of another attack. Do you know who it was?”

“I have no idea. Victor rushed in and told me and Crow to leave so we’re on our way to his, but I haven’t heard anything else. I’m gonna go, Alice, I need to try and get hold of my dad, but you stay safe and call me if you need me, OK?” She tells me to stay safe too and hangs up, once again leaving my mind reeling and curious about the Dealers’ involvement with it all.

“Did you know that Victor managed to get The Dealers on side?” I ask Crow as I dial my dad’s number and hold the phone to my ear.

“Yeah, he told me earlier.”

“Victor told you earlier?” I ask, paranoia making me wonder when they started having contact with one another.

“Yep. You’re our priority, Char, we figured that keeping in contact would help with that,” he tells me as his jaw sets and his eyes scan the road and the mirrors of the car to check for anyone following us.

“And you know where he lives?”
