Page 11 of Switch Heater

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I rub my arm and watch the two alphas stand toe to toe. Syn may be significantly smaller than the man who grabbed me, but there is no doubt in my mind that she could best him in a fight. Mentally and physically, I believe. Her alpha waves hit me hard, and I whimper, grabbing my belly as warmth spills between my thighs. I wore my padded panties today just in case, but I don’t think they’re working all that well as I see her nostrils flare slightly. She gives no other indication that she’s aware of what she’s doing to me.

I straighten myself up, breathing through the heady alpha pheromones spilling out of her. I can’t even smell Sea Salt anymore, her scent completely overpowering his. My head spins, and I shake it, trying to get some clarity. I focus back on the two alphas in front of me as Syn grins at him sharply, all teeth. It reminds me of a shark, predatory and unphased. I shiver. I would not want to be on her bad side.

“Don’t concern yourself with the inner workings of my pack, Victor. It’s of no concern to you. However, you are holding up my dear friend here, and she seems to want to get away from you. I couldn’t possibly understand why, what with your winning personality and all that, but the lady wants what she wants.” She holds her hands out in a ‘what are ya gonna do’ gesture, and I snort.

I quickly cover it with a cough and look at them with wide, innocent eyes when they look at me. I see Syn’s lips twitch in amusement before she quickly covers it and glances back at the alpha, Victor, in front of her. A vein bulges in his temple as he glares at her.

“Why, you little bitch...” he growls at her with narrowed eyes.

“Is there a problem here?” One of the security guards comes over and interrupts, a no nonsense look about him as he looks the two alphas over.

“No problem, Matty. Just came over to escort Ms. Jacobs back to her friends safely,” Syn grins at the guard with a placating smile.

“Of course, Ms. Kingston. If you need anything, just let me know.” The guard, Matty, smiles back at her before turning away and leaving back to his post.

Once he’s gone, Syn looks back to Victor and drops her smile. It doesn’t seem like she likes this alpha very much and I’d say that the feeling is mutual when I notice how he’s staring her down like he’d love nothing more than to bury her.

“As always, Victor, so good to see you. Let’s not do this again and say we did. We’ll be off now, if you don’t mind.”

Syn links her arm with mine, Victor’s eyes searing into us as she touches me, and leads me off to where Kian stands, waiting and watching the exchange. He gives me a kind smile as we approach, and I give him a brittle one back. I don’t know what just happened or why I’m still following her instead of just going back to my table, but I feel so comfortable at her side that it’s hard to pull away.

I lean more into her, feeling her tense slightly before relaxing for my benefit. These two already belong to an omega. I shouldn’t let Syn’s alpha pheromones affect me so much, but it’s just so intoxicating. She makes me think of early mornings with a giant cup of coffee, sitting and listening to the birds chirp their good morning tunes.

I’ll probably never see them again after tonight. That thought makes an ache start in my chest, strangely. I have to stop myself from rubbing my chest to ease it.

We stop beside Kian, and I inhale, relaxing instantly as their scents swirl around me, calming me down immensely. Syn releases my arm and steps away, leaving my side to feel cold in her absence. I shouldn’t feel disappointed, but it’s hard not to.

She looks at Kian, and it’s almost like they communicate with their eyes. I wish I knew what was going on. I fidget nervously with my fingers, picking at my nails. This is beginning to feel awkward. I should just go back to my table.

Glancing over, I note that Hunt and her pack have disappeared. Shit. I didn’t get to tell her bye. My lower lip wobbles, so I bite it before Syn and Kian notice my upset.

They look back at me, and I give them each a weak smile, trying to keep myself from grimacing. I’m ready to get my things and go home now. It’s been one bad thing after another since I walked through these doors.

Scents that entice me that I can never have. A sinfully beautiful alpha and sexy as fuck beta. Director Khan embarrassing the shit out of me in front of the entire room. Sea Salt dude grabbing me without my permission. And these stupid fucking omega hormones. Gods, I want to crawl into a hole and never return.

“So, Ripley. Are you okay? Victor can be kind of... an asshole, honestly. There’s no nice way to describe him.” Kian smiles warmly at me, and my eyes widen as I stare into those emerald pools. Fuck, he’s cute as hell.

I give myself a mental pep talk, talking down my hormones.

“I’m okay. He just caught me off guard, that’s all.” I laugh nervously, looking down at my hands like the nude polish on my fingernails that is slightly chipping from my picking at them is suddenly so interesting.

“Good. My name is Kian, by the way. And this is my mate, Syn.” He nods in Syn’s direction, and she gives me a tight smile.

I swallow thickly.

No way will I be telling them I already know their names because I spied on them earlier. I give her a close-mouthed smile back, wishing more than anything she’d give me a genuine smile. I just know it’s as beautiful as she is.

“It’s nice to meet you both,” I say softly, ducking my head.

I want to bang my head against the pristine floors here. I’m acting like a shy, meek mouse. Sure, I can get nervous, but I usually never have trouble speaking my mind and meeting new people.

Get your shit together, Ripley.

I steel my spine and raise my chin. I am not a meek omega. Today has just gotten to me. Add in that I never expected to find someone here that made my omega senses go wild, much less two already mated people. It’s royally screwed my entire night up.

I look at Syn again, holding eye contact with her, refusing to drop my gaze from her steely gray one.

“Thank you for interfering. I don’t think I could have gotten away from him so easily if you hadn’t stepped in. So, I appreciate it.” I quirk the left side of my lip at her in a half-smile. “I should go back to my table. One of my friends has already left, and I don’t want to miss telling the other goodbye, and good luck as well before I get my things and wait on my parents. It was very nice meeting you both. Alpha. Kian.” I offer them one more weak smile and go to turn away.
