Page 8 of Be Mine

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“Date of birth?”

“8/16/96,” I drone out on autopilot.

“Ah, here you are. Let me just run a check through our system. Hold please.”

That god’s awful elevator music plays in my ear as I’m placed on hold, and I roll my eyes, puffing my cheeks out as I wait. My belly twists as I worry there won’t be anyone available.

Biology is being such a bastard, doing this to me right now. And so close to Valentine’s Day, too? What kind of bullshit is that?

It feels like I wait forever before the call clicks back over and I hear the woman’s voice again.

“Ms. Ortiz? I see in your file that you typically request at least three alphas to tend to you through your heats, and you have two alphas from our roster on your ‘do not send’ list. The good news is that I have a couple of alphas available on such short notice. The bad news is it happens to be the two alphas you’ve requested not to see again…” she says sympathetically, trailing off.

I can just imagine her wincing at having to breakthatnews to me.

I bite into my cheek hard to keep myself from screaming out in frustration at my luck. Of course, the two alphas I marked as not wanting to see again would be the only ones available.

They weren’tterriblealphas, their scents just weren’t right and, if I remember correctly, one of them wasn’t too fond of me telling him no on some things he wanted to do.

I’m adventurous, sure, but there are some things that just aren’t for me. I also don’t take lightly someone getting pissy over me saying no.

I’d rather not agree to those two, but what other choice do I have?

My heat is two days away, maybe less, and there’s no time to find anyone else.

Briefly, my mind flashes to the omega and alpha I met earlier that have been taking over my thoughts, but I shut that down quickly.

Instead, I sigh in defeat.

“Can you see if they can be here by tomorrow afternoon?” I grumble while pinching the bridge of my nose.

“Are you sure? I could try to see if I can find someone else,” she says sympathetically.

I stomp my foot and glower at the floor, glad she can’t see the semi-temper tantrum I’m throwing in my kitchen.

“No, there’s no time. They’ll have to do.”

I can hear her keyboard clacking as she types whatever it is she needs into her computer to get the ball rolling. She tells me she’ll be sending the consent forms and everything else I need to sign to my email and that’s it.

I hang up the phone, scowling and thoroughly annoyed.

This is what I get for wanting to be different, to be an individual. It’s time to get back out there and work on finding my own pack.

I’m getting sick of having to call the heat service, and with this mess, I have a feeling I’m going to be extra grumpy and unsatisfied with this heat.

Fuck my life.



Rhett wastes no time in calling a family meeting when we get home.

I glare at him as he hollers for Sasha and Jordan to come downstairs. He smirks at me, lifting a brow tauntingly.


Campfire and toasted marshmallows are the first things I scent when Sasha makes it downstairs and comes straight to me, wrapping her arms around my middle and nuzzling against my chest. She pulls back slightly and looks up at me with raised brows when she catches Shade’s scent. It’s still lingering on me from when I caught her as she nearly fell.
