Page 117 of The Purrfect Handyman

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His fingers pressed into her thighs as he shivered with pleasure, and she bent down, capturing his gasp of ecstasy as he had captured hers. She’d never tasted something so intoxicating.

“Oh my God,” he whispered when he could speak. “I would say that was amazing, but amazing doesn’t even come close. Maybe something about supernovas, but I can’t even think.” He sighed, then pulled her into his arms and nuzzled her neck.

Even with his hot lips trailing down her skin, Alanna suddenly felt adrift. Could she really leave this man who had just made her feel like a whole new being?

A solution popped into her brain like a divine gift. Sully was out of work, clearly on the doorstep of foreclosure. What if he moved to L.A.?

It was so obvious.

So gloriously simple.

Once she got her new PR agency up and running again, she could help him rent a decent apartment near her place. And she could definitely help him find a job. He was so smart and charming that any one of her clients would be lucky to hire him.

Why hadn’t she thought about it before? This didn’t have to be the end. It could be only the beginning. She turned in Sully’s arms, grinning. He smiled back. His eyes were full of warm caramel.

“I’ve got an idea,” she whispered.

“If it’s what I think it is, I’m going to need at least 10 more minutes,” he whispered back.

“No, it’s—”

The mattress shifted.

“Mrow?” a voice questioned.

Sully’s eyes widened. “Sheba jumped on the bed. Turn around.”

“Your cat?” Alanna asked.

Sully nodded. “She’s usually so shy. I can’t believe she just came up here. This is really great progress. Turn around. Maybe she’ll let you pet her.”

Carefully, Alanna turned in his arms. And there, sitting on the bed was…

“Petunia?” she squawked as her mind melted into a puddle of confusion.

She turned back to Sully. “What in the holy fuck are you doing with my cat?”

Ch. 41 Alanna





And again… What???

As Alanna stared at the large, orange-and-white cat that was 1,000% Petunia, she struggled to form a coherent sentence. Beside her, Sully sat up in bed and put a cautious hand on her shoulder. Alanna didn’t even remember shooting up into a sitting position or yanking herself out of his arms.

“Why do you have my cat?” she asked again.

Sully dragged a hand through his adorably ruffled hair and frowned in confusion. “The dead one?”

“Petunia wasn’t dead, she was missing!” Alanna said.

“Oh, I thought—”
