Page 131 of The Purrfect Handyman

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She glanced up at him. “I have more than you. Back off.”

To his credit, Theo did as told.

“Haley, honey, can you hear me?” Tess asked again, as she pressed two fingers under Haley’s jaw and leaned over her lips. The young woman made soft gasping noises.

“Is Haley allergic to anything?” Tess asked Jax. “Nuts, bees, latex…”

Jax stared in shock at her friend.

“JAX!” Tess barked. “Stay with me. Is Haley allergic to anything?”

Jax’s eyes snapped to Tess and she shook her head. “No… I mean, I don’t think so. No. She isn’t.”

“Is she on any medication?”

Jax shook her head again.

“Has she been taking anything?” Tess’s voice was stern, her words clipped. Sully’s tenant had transformed into a superhero right before his eyes.

“What?” Jax asked, her eyes moving to Haley again.

“Drugs,” Tess said. Her voice softened a little. “Does Haley take drugs?”

A sob rose from Jax’s chest and she nodded. “I don’t know what kind. But pills usually. Sometimes powder."

"Fuck," Tess hissed. “I don’t have any Narcan on me. Fuck. Fuck.” She turned to the small group standing behind her. “Does anyone have Naloxone?”

Never in his whole life had Sully wished for something more than a dose of Naloxone in his pocket.

“Here.” Cam pushed through the crowd and offered a small package to Tess. She snatched it from his hand and quickly peeled off the back. She pulled out a small device and placed the nozzle in one of Haley’s nostrils. With her thumb, she pressed down on the plunger.

“Ambulance is five minutes out,” Theo reported, Sully’s phone still at his ear. “They’re saying to do CPR if she isn’t breathing.”

Tess nodded and looked at Cam. “I might need another one.”

He pulled a second package from the front pocket of the gym bag Sully hadn’t noticed he was carrying. Hue bustled through the door, a red medical bag bouncing on his shoulder. Tess held him off with a hand. Hue looked to Theo, who nodded.

“Haley?” Tess called. “Can you hear me? I need you to try and open your eyes.” When the girl didn’t respond, Tess opened the second package and gave her another dose of the nasal spray.

Twenty seconds later, an absolute miracle happened. Color slowly ebbed back into Haley’s face, her ghostly white skin flushing. The blue washed away from her lips as she opened her mouth and started to pull in deeper breaths. After another minute, her eyelids fluttered open.

“Haley, can you hear me?” Tess asked.

Haley’s eyes cracked open. She looked around, and Tess supported her head.

“What?” she whispered, her blue eyes glazed.

“Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!” Jax wept. She rocked next to Haley, her black cargo pants crusted with dirt.

“Haley, you overdosed,” Tess told her.

“I did?” Haley’s voice was soft and small like a child’s.

“You’re going to be okay,” Tess said, “but we’ve called an ambulance just to make sure.”

As if on cue, Sully heard the distant wail of a siren.

Haley began to cry, and Tess rocked her slowly. “You’re going to be okay. You’re going to be okay,” she repeated over and over again.
