Page 145 of The Purrfect Handyman

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Because deep in his heart, Sully felt certain Alanna was lonely.

Because her happiness was more important than his own.

Because he, Sully Brooks, loved Alanna Sandoval.

“Sheba,” he said as he stroked the cat’s long, soft fur. The orange-and-white feline released a throaty purr. “I need to ask you a huge favor. There’s someone who needs you more than I do.”

Ch. 51 Alanna

Alanna’straitoroushandshookas it wrapped around the doorknob. Was it him? Hope, uncertainty, and longing twisted together in a huge knot inside her chest. She turned the knob, pulled open the door, and…

Stared into the gray eyes of Sabrina the Betrayer.

Hope sank to the pit of Alanna’s stomach as fast as a mob informant tied to a cinderblock. She put her hands on her hips. “How the hell did you get my mother’s address?”

Sabrina gave Alanna a small, brave smile. “Called in every favor Renee owed me, and promised her my first-born son, too. She said she always wanted a boy.”

Alanna took a step forward blocking the entrance. “Then remind me to fire Renee if she agrees to work for me. What are you doing here?”

“Can I come inside?”


“Fair enough.” Sabrina’s gaze never wavered. She possessed miles of moxie. No denying that. It was why she’d immediately outshone the other interns all those years ago.

“I came here to apologize,” Sabrina said, tossing back her strawberry-blonde hair.

“For stabbing me in the back?”

“Yep, that.” As usual, Sabrina’s outfit was on point. The navy Christian Dior wrap dress dotted with tiny white flowers looked stunning on her petite frame. Alanna had taught her well.

“You weren’t picking up my calls or answering my emails, so here I am.” Sabrina spread her arms.

Alanna leaned against the door. A soft breeze blew a harmony across the wind chimes on her mother’s front porch. In the distance, deep frog croaks echoed in the growing darkness. It all reminded Alanna that she wasn’t in Los Angeles anymore.

She groaned and stepped back from the door. “Five minutes, that’s all you get, and I expect serious groveling.”

“I’ll see what I can muster,” Sabrina said, as she slipped through the door past Alanna.

“Who is it?” Dede called, peeking her head out from the kitchen. She gave Sabrina a wide smile. “Are you hungry? I can set another place at the table.”

“Stay back, Mom,” Alanna said. “This one has fangs.”

“Har har,” Sabrina rolled her eyes.

“This way.” Alanna led her ex-protégé through the kitchen and onto the back yard patio, grabbing the open bottle of wine and two glasses on the way out. The night was cool, but the promise of spring’s warmth hung in the air.

Alanna sat at the small patio table where she and Sully had enjoyed a bottle of wine not so long ago. Sabrina slid into the chair opposite Alanna, careful to smooth her dress beneath her legs.

“Please proceed with what I can only assume will be the world’s most epic apology,” Alanna beckoned.

“Wine first.” Sabrina scooted her glass forward, the cheeky bitch. Alanna had to remind herself that she despised Sabrina. Alanna poured. The younger woman swirled the scarlet pinot in her glass before taking a sip. Her eyebrows arched in surprise.

“Damn. This is good.”

“I know. You were about to start the groveling?”

Sabrina set the glass down and adopted a chagrinned expression. “I hated the way everything went down, but the offer was too good to refuse. You taught me to be bold. To take risks.”
