Page 151 of The Purrfect Handyman

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“You want me?” he asked.

“Bad. Real, real bad,” she confirmed.

“And you’re not mad at me for what I said at the winery?”

She smirked. “Only if you forgive me for what I said.”

Sully’s brain had just enough computational power left to carefully set down Sheba’s carrying case. Then he pulled Alanna into his arms and claimed her lips. Now the angels in his heart were having a rave. Their little halos wobbled as they headbanged, and several angels crowd-surfed on a sea of hands…

Alanna pulled away from his kiss to suck in a breath. “Oh, and I’m not moving to Los Angeles.”

He kissed her again, and this time her fingers tangled in his hair. He couldn’t get enough of her.

She pulled away again. “I’m building my agency here, in Yucca Hills.”


“I’m representing local businesses.”


The next time she pulled away, he bowed his head and sucked on the curve of her luscious neck.

“And, yes, I want to make this work. Just in case that was unclear.”

In response, he nipped the delicate skin of her jaw. Sully’s entire body hummed with his need for her. He was about to rip that pretty blouse right off her creamy skin.

“MERRRRROW!” The carrying case at their feet wobbled.

“I think you should bring your cat home,” Alanna whispered in his ear. “And I think you should bring me home, too.”

Sully knew better than to argue with either of his blue-eyed girls.

Ch. 53 Jax

Jaxstaredatalong, winding crack in the ceiling paint as she sucked on a lemon-flavored lollipop. She crossed her booted feet at the ankles and rested them on the opposite arm of the couch. The crack wove through a smattering of glow-in-the-dark stars Jax had applied to the ceiling on a whim a few months ago.

“This sucks, sucks, SUCKS!” Haley pouted as she dragged her pink, flower-print suitcase into the living room. “One bag. That’s all they allow. For 90 days. What a bunch of bullshit.” She kicked the suitcase and it toppled over with a defeatedwhomp.

How the hell did that crack get there?Jax wondered. Had it been there before they moved into the apartment, or had they somehow caused it? She used her tongue to shift the lollipop to the other side of her mouth.

“Why the fuck did you have to tell my parents what happened?” Haley dropped onto her suitcase. “It wasn’t a big deal.”

Jax closed her eyes. Like clockwork, the Haley blame train was pulling into the station again. This had been Jax’s life for the last week.

“You almost died,” she informed her roommate and best friend. “I thought your parents might like to know.”

“Oh my GOD! I didn’t almost die. Why do you have to be so dramatic about everything?”

Jax turned her head and opened her eyes. Haley sat on her suitcase, hunched over her knees, looking both beautiful and frail in a white crop top and high-waisted jeans. With her huge blue eyes and tiny frame, Haley always seemed like a princess in need of rescue.

“You’ve got a problem,” Jax said. What she didn’t say is,And I’m so fucking scared.When had it gotten so bad? Haley had always liked to party and experiment, but it’d felt harmless in high school. Jax was always there to drive Haley home or intervene if some college guy started getting too handsy.

It’d been after Haley tore her ACL during cheerleading their senior year. Then the pills hadn’t just been for a good time on the weekends anymore. Haley had started taking them in the bathroom between classes. She’d wanted to go to different parties. Darker parties full of people who made Jax’s skin crawl. Haley’s grades had plummeted, and she’d barely graduated. Their dream of getting into SDCU together had turned into just that: a dream. Jax had gone away to college alone.

“I’ve got a problem?” Haley’s voice pitched up in fury. “You’re the one with the problem! I’ve been trying to be sensitive about your wholesituation, but honestly, ever since you dropped out of SDCU, you’ve been a complete bitch. We used to have fun, and now you don’t want to do anything. You dress like shit and pretend like you’re the queen of the universe.”

Jax followed the ceiling crack to its end point halfway across the ceiling. Why did the crack decide to end there? Why not go the full distance?
