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“Alanna!” Layla’s gaze caught her. “Oh my gosh, you didn’t tell me you were coming to this. We could have carpooled. Everly, this is my sister.”

Everly turned and gave Alanna a more thorough appraisal. “The one from LA?”

“She’s actually staying here a while to help take care of our mom. Isn’t that so sweet of her?” Layla gushed. “And Alanna, this is Everly. She and I volunteer at the Yucca Hills Animal Rescue together. Everly fosters cats. She’s wonderful.”

Of course, she was. Layla had never met a non-wonderful person in her life. She’d probably compliment Jack the Ripper on his enthusiastic stabbing skills.

Layla’s wide smile finally faltered as she gazed around the room. “Um… where’s the furniture?”


Ten minutes and several stammering explanations and apologies from Tess later, the five women sat in a circle on the floor. Red solo cups filled with wine stood next to each woman, save for Willow. Her cup held only water. In the middle of the circle, Everly set out her brownies on a cat-themed tray produced from her tote. Tess had added a roll of paper towels.

“This is so fun,” Layla said, as she crossed her legs and pulled her dress over her knees. “It’s like a picnic.”

“I like your hair,” Willow said shyly.

Layla pulled her long, blonde braid over her shoulder and blushed. “Thanks. I’ve actually never cut it.”

“So, how are we going to do this thing?” Alanna asked. All eyes turned to Tess. The poor woman looked a little shellshocked.

“Um, I’m not sure exactly,” she admitted. “I’ve never held a Crazy Cat Lady Club meeting before.”

“I got you, girl,” Everly assured her. “Let’s go around, introduce ourselves, and say a little about our cats. I’ll go first.”

She stood, her yellow skirt swirling around her calves. “Everly Forstrom. I’m 32 going on 21. My favorite color is green, and I lurv wine! I work at Pet Palace for the money and volunteer at the Yucca Hills Animal Rescue for the friendships.” She winked at Layla. “I am loud, proud, and living proof that Black women can be crazy cat ladies. I am the pet guardian of three amazing cats named Drake, Legend, and Beyonce. As Layla mentioned, I also foster. I’ve got a momma cat named Peanut Butter, who’s just about ready to pop out some kitties. Just don’t tell my jackass of a landlord.” Everly paused to take a breath. “Let’s see, I’m a Scorpio and currently single until the universe decides to unite me with my true love, Rico Torres.”

“The news reporter?” Willow asked.

“The very one,” Everly confirmed. “We’re meant to be.”

Alanna almost snorted into her wine. Rico Torres? She’d gone to school with that arrogant runt. Never had she met a being— man, woman, or otherwise—more obsessed with their hair. No surprise he’d ended up in front of a television camera.

“So, that about does it for me,” Everly finished, giving a little bow to the circle.

Layla clapped, and the rest of the women quickly followed.

“Who’s next?” Everly asked. Her eyes scanned the small circle. “Tess? Let’s hear from our fearless hostess.”

Tess laughed and took a hearty gulp of wine. “Fearless? Have you met me?” She sighed and set down her cup. “Well, let’s see. Obviously, I’ve been known to spontaneously start clubs without thinking it through… at all.” She gave a weak smile to the women and brushed her hands on her jeans. “But, um, in all seriousness, I’m 27. I moved down from Ashville a little less than a week ago. It was kind of a sudden decision. I don’t currently have a job, but I was in medicine. I’m not exactly sure what I want to do next.” She clasped her hands in her lap and looked down at them.

“I have a kitten. Her name is Spirit. She was a gift.” Her voice caught, and she swallowed. “But not a gift I wanted. My mom was deathly allergic to anything with fur, so I never had any pets growing up. I have no idea how to take care of Spirit. She and I don’t get along very well.” Tess massaged her hands. Alanna looked around the empty room anew and saw no evidence of said cat. “She seems scared of me, and I don’t know what to do with her. It’s like we’re two strangers living in the same house.” Tess looked up, her hazel eyes bright with unshed tears. “And that’s me,” she finished quietly.

About a million questions hung in the air, but Alanna was glad everyone seemed to come to the same conclusion that tugging on any of those dangerous threads might cause Tess to unravel.

“I’ll go next,” Layla said brightly. Tess gave her a grateful smile for the rescue. Layla waved. “Hi everyone. My name is Layla Sandoval. I’m 26 years old and I’ve lived in Yucca Hills all my life. I’m a receptionist at the Paws and Claws vet clinic on Chaparral Drive. I have the best boss in the entire world.” She clapped her hands together.

“I second that,” Everly added. “Dr. Goldman treats all my fosters and spays and neuters them for free.”

“Let’s see.” Layla twisted the end of her braid around her finger. “My favorite color is violet. My favorite movie isLove Actually. I’m a supper sappy romantic, right, Alanna?”

“Yup,” Alanna confirmed.

“Oh, I have a hedgehog named Cactus, and I just adopted two adorable kittens named Garland and Monroe. I have sooooo many pictures of them. And I’m engaged to the greatest man in the world, Calvin Bishop.”

Layla sheepishly flashed the huge rock on her left hand. The engagement ring was glitzy, brazenly expensive, and utterly not Layla’s style. Alanna knew her sister preferred antique jewelry with personality over flash.

“Calvin Bishop, the mayor?” Willow asked.
