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“Oh, no. Cal is the mayor’s son,” Layla said. “He’s the head of the sales division of Bishop Auto. We’re getting married in six months, and it’s going to be soooo magical.” The lovey-dovey look shining in her blue eyes was sweet enough to give a person type II diabetes.

Conveniently, Layla had skipped the part where it’d taken Prince Cal three years to finally set a wedding date, as well as the time Cal dumped Layla immediately after high school graduation before setting out on his grand European backpacking adventure.

To keep her snarky mouth shut, Alanna grabbed a brownie and took a bite.Holy Moses!It was like an orgasm encased in chocolate.

“These brownies, respect!” she said, leaning over and holding up a hand to Everly.

“My baked goods are legends unto themselves,” Everly remarked without an ounce of humility as she high-fived Alanna. Then she turned to Willow. “What about you, honey?”

“Oh.” Willow looked slightly surprised to be noticed. She tucked her head down, as if wanting to disappear behind her hair. What was she hiding from, Alanna wondered. With her pale skin, delicate features, and deep brown eyes, she was a true beauty.

“Well, my name is Willow Tanaka,” she began in a quiet voice. “I’m Japanese American, but I’m from here, Yucca Hills. People ask me where I’m from sometimes or think I don’t speak English.”

“Assholes,” Everly muttered.

“I’m 24, and I write.”

The women waited. Willow stared at the floor. Apparently, she was done.

“Any special lad or lady in your life?” Everly asked, nudging the smaller girl.

“Oh, no.” Willow giggled as a blush lit her cheeks. “I don’t, um, think that’s going to happen for me. I’m kind of weird.”

Alanna laughed. “We’re at a Crazy Cat Lady Club meeting. You’ve got company.”

Layla shot her a disapproving look before turning to Willow. “I don’t think you’re weird. I bet you’ll find someone. In fact, I know you will.”

Alanna made what she hoped was a supportive sound as she chewed the rest of the insanely amazing brownie.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Tess teased Willow.

Willow’s eyes widened like she’d been caught with a dead body in her trunk.

“What about your cat?” Tess asked.

“Oh, I don’t have one.”

This time, Alanna’s amused snort almost launched brownie chunks into her nasal cavities.

“Um, but I want to adopt one,” Willow quickly amended. “I just… don’t think I’m ready yet. So, I thought I could come to this meeting and learn about, well, cats.” Willow offered a small, hopeful smile that just about melted Alanna’s heart.

“That is just adorable, and I think I love you,” Everly announced. “Can I hug you? ‘Cause I want to hug you so bad right now.”

Willow’s eyes widened again, but then she swallowed and nodded. “Yes, you may hug me.”

Everly bent over and wrapped the thin girl in her strong arms, rocking her side to side. “We will get you ready to adopt a cat, I swear. And you are gonna be the best cat momma in the universe.”

Layla sniffled and clasped her hands to her heart. Even Tess smiled softly, the frown lines finally smoothing from her forehead.

Everly released Willow, who looked utterly dazed, then turned to Alanna. “Your turn, L.A. girl.”

Alanna carefully dabbed the brownie crumbs from her lips.

Here it was. Time to eat an entire murder of crows in front of her sister. She briefly considered unabashed lying. She could regale the group with tales of her super-duper best friendship with Petunia. How the cat snuggled under her chin each night before they went to bed and licked her cheek to gently wake her in the morning.

But, no. She needed help, no matter the consequences to her pride. It was now or cat hell forever.

“Well, I actually grew up here, but I’m based in Los Angeles now,” she began. “I started my own PR firm and we’re doing well.” Technically true. No need to mention she wasn’t currently employed at said firm. “I’m 30. Natural blonde for all you doubters. Favorite color is red, the darker the better. And I’m a hard no on the romance thing. No way I’m going to settle for a single penis for the rest of my life.”

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