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No specifics about the arbitration?Check.

Each accusation against Boon linked to a citation?Check.

After adding in a few more editorial flourishes, Alanna posted the article to the social publishing platformMedium, then sent the link to a few of her favorite journalists in the biotech space. Even if she hadn’t spent her career wining and dining these same journalists to within an inch of a functional liver—which she had, of course—they’d jump on this goss like a juicy steak.

Part one of the official Alanna Sandoval Comeback Tour was now in motion.

She had no time to rest on her literary laurels. To utterly destroy Chip Rupert the Third, she had to work fast. Part two of her plan involved sending texts to some of her favorite clients. Just a littleHello,how are you? Hey, check out this fun article I just wrote.By the way, you wouldn’t be available for lunch next week, would you?

Alanna smiled to herself as she sent through the last text. Nothing wrong with lunching with a few old clients, now was there? She glanced to the edge of the bed, eager to share her nefarious machinations with Petunia. A part of her almost expected to see the large, orange-and-white cat curled in the corner watching her with curious eyes.

The bed was empty. A wave of regret washed over her, just as a message popped up on her phone. Alanna pushed away the regret and refocused on the task at hand. Was a client responding already to her lunch invite?

Alanna glanced at her phone and her smile grew.

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?Sully asked.

Powerpuff Girls. [flexing arm emoji] BTW what are we doing on Friday?

It’s a surprise. [sly face emoji]

Sneaky, sneaky. What should I wear?

Sneakers emoji, grinning face emoji

Sneakers? Alanna pondered this new development as she stared at the healthy plant sitting on her windowsill. A small ache tugged at her heart, but she ignored it. Yes, this would be the last date with the handyman—had to be the last date—but that didn’t mean they couldn’t have fun.

She’d find the right time to tell Sully of her plans to restart in L.A. Maybe with nothing left to lose, sneakers emoji could lead to kissy face emoji and then maybe even to eggplant emoji + fireworks emoji. Alanna licked her lips. That thought forced her gaze to the top drawer of her nightstand, where she kept her vibrator. The handsome handyman and his rough hands could be the perfect start to some Alanna imagination fun time…

Her phone rang, and she nearly launched the thing into the ceiling. A picture of Layla’s grinning face appeared on the screen.

Alanna accepted the call. “Is everything all right?”

Hopefully, her little sister wasn’t calling from the emergency room, mid-stomach pump from last night’s dinner.

“Of course it is,” Layla’s cheerful voice assured her. “I was just wondering if you wanted to carpool to the Crazy Cat Lady Club meeting tonight.”


A light, steady rain pattered on Stella’s windshield as Alanna pulled her Mercedes into the parking lot of the Yucca Hills Animal Rescue, where her little sister had spent the night volunteering. Her headlights cut across a soggy missing cat flyer for Petunia hanging raggedly from a streetlight. The ink had run, making the words and picture incomprehensible.

The door to the shelter flew open and Layla rushed to the car, her massive purse whacking against her side with every step.

“You sure you don’t want to put your luggage in the trunk?” Alanna joked as Layla practically dove into the passenger seat and yanked the door closed behind her.

“What?” Layla blinked at her in confusion.

“Never mind.”

“It’s odd to get rain so late in the year,” Layla mused, peering out the windshield. Raindrops spattered her paisley blue blouse and beaded down her braid like pearls.

“Climate change,” Alanna said as she eased the car out of the parking lot. Her sister slumped into the passenger seat and stared out the window, idly picking at the seatbelt across her chest. Something wasn’t right. Normally, Layla was a non-stop chatterbox. Even her constant sunshine smile was nowhere to be found.

“What’s going on?” Alanna asked.

Layla pressed her glossed lips together. “I’m worried about…”

“Cal?” Alanna’s hopes rose. Had Layla finally realized she was planning to wed herself to an epic, douchey mistake?

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