Page 29 of Player Next Door

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“How about you come in so all our neighbors won’t hear about this.”

She stepped inside and he jogged to his TV and switched off the music. He headed for his kitchen and returned with a bottle of something and a couple of glasses. He poured a glass and handed it to her. At first she thought it was alcoholic, but it turned out to be a sparkling lemonade.

“I love this stuff, but I don’t drink it often. But this seems like good time to celebrate, right? And honestly, I had no idea that anyone would even see my posts. I’m not much of a social media guy, but Preston suggested that I do it to thank you for the clothes.”

There was a sweet innocence about Grady that made her heart burst. “So let me tell you what happened after the three of you posted those pictures. You probably don’t know this, but my men’s line was tanking, and three major retailers in the country were considering dropping my line. Well, you guys posted your pics, and people went to buy the clothes. And the retailers not only agreed to keep the line, they made orders.”

A huge smile lit up his face. “That’s amazing.”

“No, you’re amazing! And I owe you big time.”

“It was nothing. We loved the stuff. Preston won’t stop going on and on about the way the shirts breathe, how soft they are, and a bunch of other stuff I don’t remember. So let’s toast to this unexpected result.”

The sparkling lemonade was fabulous, and he poured her another glass when she’d drunk it all.

“This stuff is great. Why don’t you drink it more often?”

“Too sweet. I’m trying to avoid the sugar.”

“You’re a health nut like me?”

He grinned in his boyish way. “I think so. Speaking of health nut, it’s time for dinner. Want to hang out? And cheat? I would kill for loaded nachos.”

Her first instinct was to say no, and she had no idea why she’d even want to say no. She decided to shut her brain off and let the words fall freely from her mouth.

“Okay, but only if I pay.”

They ordered from a place Dylan had raved about, and he ended up paying despite her offer. Their food came forty minutes later, and Grady met the driver downstairs so no one would see her. The last thing she needed was gossip starting about her and Grady.

They sat down and dug into the endless order of nachos.

“I was feeling hungry, so I got cheesy fries too!”

“Are you trying to kill me?” she joked.

“Never,” he said with a wink.

Reese piled nachos onto her plate along with a generous portion of the cheesy fries. Everything tasted heavenly.

“I’ve never asked,” she said between bites. “Where are you from originally?”

“I was born and raised in northern Ontario, but my family moved to the GTA about ten years ago. I played my junior hockey in Barrie. That’s where I met Preston. How about you?”

“Born and raised in Milton, but I moved here years ago.”

“Any siblings?”

“I was an only child. My parents tried for more kids, but my mom suffered several miscarriages, so they gave up. How about you?”

“I have an older sister and a younger sister. And both keep me in line.”

“As they should,” Reese said with a playful smile.

“When my parents told me and Sara that we were going to have a sibling, I prayed for a little brother. And then Jodi was born, and I was so bummed. I was nine when she was born, and Jodi was sort of an oops. Anyways, I love the kid to death now.”

“I would have loved to have a sibling. Being an only child is lonely. And my mom is…” She still felt guilty saying anything bad. “Emotionally distant. On a lark, she enrolled me in figure skating, and that’s how I met Cam. We’ve been partners since I was eight.”

“I’ve got to ask,” Grady said, dipping a fry in ketchup, “are you two a thing?”
