Page 34 of Player Next Door

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“Beats me. What is thisLowdownblog about?”

“Local sports gossip mostly, but it does have a nationwide following. People seem to be hooked on these blogs about us, but John is worried the tide could turn and backfire on me. Have you told anyone about this situation?”

“Devi knows everything, but that’s because I tell her. And she wouldn’t have time or want to be bothered with stuff like this.”

Devi was Cam’s fiancée. They’d met in an emergency room when he’d cut the bottom of his foot wide open on a piece of glass at the beach. She’d been the doctor who’d tended to his injury and stitched him up. From that point they’d gone out on a few dates, and it progressed from there. Reese had liked Devi the minute she’d met her. She was a grounding force for him, someone to keep his calm and rooted. It didn’t hurt that she was gorgeous. And she also didn’t care about his fame. She loved him for his quirkiness and the huge heart Reese loved him for too.

“It’s possible it’s coming from John’s people, but if that were the case, I can’t see him not knowing who the leak is. He has told all the PR and marketing crew. Maybe one of them is spilling the beans. I guess I’ll mention it to him.”

“How have you been doing? We haven’t talked in a while. Texts are nice, but they aren’t the same.”

She’d been keeping him updated with what Grady and his teammates had done and the workouts she’d been invited to. She tried to keep that talk to a minimum so that he wouldn’t tease her about her budding friendship with Grady.

“I’ve really enjoyed training with the Renegades. I think they enjoy having me around. And one had a great suggestion that I start posting some workout videos online. As a way of easing back into my regular life again. So I’m going to do that, and if I get the okay from John, I’m going to post it.”

“Sounds cool. If you need me to co-star in one of those workout videos, I’d be happy to.”

“I’m probably going to take you up on that.”

“How are you setting this all up? Did Daria find someone to take the video?”

“About that…” She cleared her throat, knowing Cam would be all over this. “I’m going to shoot the video with Grady. And his little sister is going to be our videographer. Apparently, she’s quite talented.”

“I see,” Cam said, unable to hide the laughter from his voice. “That’s cozy. And where will you take this video? Since you have to stay out of sight.”

“In Muskoka. He’s family has a cottage up there.”

“Ahh, interesting. Even cozier.”

“Oh, stop!”

“He likes you,” he said in a singsong voice.

“We’re friends.”

“I can’t keep track of all the female friends I have who invite me to work out with them, create a charcuterie board in mere minutes, and then invite me to Muskoka to make a video,” he said sarcastically. “Wait, I forgot that he wore your workout clothes and posted that to social media. The same guy who hasn’t posted to social media in three months.”

“For the record, I would do all that for you.”

“Never! A charcuterie board? You wouldn’t know where to begin.”

She grumbled something unintelligible. “It’s strictly platonic.”

“I’m not going to fight you on it, but just be aware. A guy doesn’t shower that kind of attention on a woman for friendship. And yes, he may be a nice guy, but he has the hots for you. If you don’t like him, maybe let him know. Don’t string him along.”

Reese thought of her conversation with Daria. Had she strung Cam along? And if she had, she’d had no idea she’d even done that. She’d genuinely thought that Cam loved her like a sister or a friend. Romantic feelings had never popped in her head because she’d never had romantic feelings for him.

“I would never knowingly string anyone along.”

“Except that now you know.”

Was he trying to say something to her without actually saying it?

“Right. Well, if you’re looking for me this weekend, I’ll be in Muskoka.”

“Wait a second. You didn’t say the weekend. I assumed it was just for the day.”

“He positioned it as a vacation.”
