Page 44 of Player Next Door

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“Reese likes to do push-ups, so I propose a push-up contest,” Grady declared. “Who can do the most in one minute.”

“Are you sure you want to do that? I could probably wipe the floor with you.”

“No way. Let’s do this!”

“Ready? Go!”

Reese was pretty sure he was going to do more push-ups than her. And he did, but only by six. His blue eyes were wide when Jodi confirmed the number.

“Man, Reese, you really can kick my ass. Guys twice your size can’t keep up like that.”

They ended the workout with some final stretches and signed off.

“That was a ton of great footage,” Jodi said as they walked back to the cottage. “People will love it! And I should have the edited copy done in a few hours.”

When they got back to the cottage, Jodi went one way, and Reese and Grady went another.

“How about breakfast? I’m starved,” he said.

“I’m hungry too.”

Julia was in the kitchen, putting out platters piled with pancakes, bacon, and what looked like a cheesy hash brown casserole. “I went all out,” she said. “I’m sure you were working hard. Where’s your sister?”

“Editing the video,” Grady said, taking one of the seats and piling his plate full of food.

“I’ll go get her. You guys dig in.”

Reese made a plate of her own, but not nearly as tall as Grady’s. She pointed to the coffee maker, and he nodded. She poured two cups and brought them over.

“That was fun,” he said.

“Really?” she asked, tearing a piece of pancake with her fork.

“I don’t normally do workouts like that. I could definitely feel the burn. Now I understand why your partner is so in shape.”

“He does more weight training. He did have to lift me, after all.”

“I’m sure that was a piece of cake.”

“I don’t know. Maybe you should try throwing me up in the air or over your shoulder.” She immediately stopped. Why had she said it that way? She never flirted.

“Maybe one day I will,” he said playfully.

She tried not to blush. Why was he so adorable and fun to be around? There had to be something wrong with him. And then it hit her.

Grady Radcliffe was trouble, and she knew it.


Jodi’s finished product was amazing. No, beyond amazing. Not only was the video informative, but she’d used all the fun elements of Grady and Reese joking around with each other. She’d added some music and sound effects, along with funny visuals. Jodi had a future as a videographer if she wanted, Reese was certain of it.

Jodi had sent it the morning after Reese and Grady got back to Toronto. Reese sent the finished product to Cam, Daria, Marnie, and John. Cam was the first to message her back that he loved it along with a googly-eyed emoji. He wasn’t getting off the Grady love match yet, so she ignored it. John called an hour later, just as Reese was rifling through her fridge and putting away the groceries she’d ordered from a service. She wasn’t ready to face the public just yet.

“The PR and marketing teams loves it,” John said in his gruff voice. “We are going to go ahead and post it. The language will be generic and fun, and I’ll have Daria run it past me before she posts. We’ll see how this plays out. If people are receptive, I have an idea, and before I tell you about it, I want to run it past PR. We’ll be in touch.”

And just like that he hung up.

An hour later, Daria texted to let Reese know she’d shared the video and had tagged Grady, as per John’s instructions. Reese had been careful not to check her social media accounts since the Jen scandal, but she ventured on to some of her accounts. She promised herself she wouldn’t read the comments; she’d merely check out the engagement.
