Page 19 of Crimson Wrath

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Cut it, Scarlett!

You can’t just walk back to him as if nothing happened!

Hell, you don’t even know if he’s alive!

I swallow hard at the thought.

Not to mention that there’s more than just me to think of now.

Baby Jones.

Or Baby Ulianov.

My little one.

“Agreed. We work it properly,” I reply, nodding my head. “So let’s get started on this. Cody, can you pull site plans for me? My phone’s GPS records should be able to give you the location of the estate.”

“On it.” He nods. There’s tense silence as he pairs our devices, then thumbs his screen. Barely a couple of minutes later, he’s waving it triumphantly. “Over to you, Jess.”

Jess flips open her laptop and begins tapping keys. A message pings as Cody sends her a series of links and files. The guy’s a freaking whizz, but I swear he has ADHD because already he’s playing goddamn CandyCrush or whatever kids do these days. Jess crooks her finger to beckon me over and I stare at her screen. There, in intricate detail, is Anton’s fortress laid out before me.

“Let’s get to work,” I murmur, determination coursing through my veins.

Jess and I huddle together, studying the blueprints with intense focus. The others gather around us, their eyes darting between the plans and my face, gauging my reaction to each potential obstacle.

“Here,” Jess points to a less guarded area of the estate’s perimeter. “This could be your best entry point. It looks like there are fewer security cameras – and it’s close to an access point for the underground tunnels.”

“Underground tunnels?” Art raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed. “These guys don’t mess around.”

I bite my lip, silently agreeing with him but keeping my focus on the task at hand. “Okay, so once I’m in, I’ll need to avoid the guards. They’ve probably added more since I left.”

“Right,” Jess says, tapping a few keys and bringing up an overlay of the guard routes. “You can use this ventilation shaft to move between floors – it should bring you out near your old room.”

“Perfect.” The plan is coming together, but the tension in the air only seems to increase as we realize just how complex the security measures are. Each team member wears their concern like a mask, but they know better than to challenge my resolve.

“Alright, let’s go over this one more time,” I say, steeling myself for what’s to come. “We’ve got one shot at this. And the sooner I get in there, the better.”

“We can go over the details again on the way there,” Carl says. Tony has the keys to the SUV in his hand.

“But—” I don’t finish my sentence as Carl interrupts me.

“I can’t stop you from going in alone, but there’s no fucking way I’m not waiting to make sure you get out of there safely. We’re taking you.”

One look between his and Tony’s faces makes me realize there’s no point in arguing. With brief hugs to the others, we head back out to the car.

The drive to the estate is a silent one. Tony grips the wheel tightly, his knuckles white from the pressure, while Carl drums his fingers against the dashboard in agitation. I sit in the backseat, going over the plan in my head, trying not to think about what might happen if this goes south.

“Remember, we’ll be waiting right here for you,” Tony reminds me as we pull up to a discreet location near the estate. “Get that diamond and get out.”

“Got it.” I nod, determination still burning inside me. I slip out of the car, scanning the area one last time before making my move.

The point Jess had picked out as the easiest approach is soon in front of me. Scaling the perimeter wall with practiced ease, I drop down onto the ground and begin my stealthy approach. Every muscle in my body is tense, ready for action. The diamond’s within reach – and so is the chance to put this dangerous chapter of my life behind me, once and for all. I can feel it.

But as I approach the main building, something feels off. The atmosphere is different, like electricity in the air. The shadows cast by the estate seem darker, more sinister. It seems nothing like the house I lived in just a day ago. A day that feels like a century after all that has happened.

My heart races, my breaths coming in shallow and quick as I push forward.

I press my back against the cold wall, making my way to a side entrance. Slipping inside, I can hear muffled voices echoing through the hallways. They’re unfamiliar, and there are more people than before.
