Page 20 of Crimson Wrath

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What the hell?

In all the time I’ve stayed here, it was only ever Niko, Anton, and Luka who walked these halls. I’d never even seen the workers, magic elves, or whoever cleaned the place. Of course, the security team was impossible to miss, but they seldom came inside.


If Anton is here, he’d have stepped up security. He’d want as many eyes on Nikolai as possible right now. Poor kid. I hope he’s not traumatized after all that happened that day. And if he’s… I can’t think of why he might not be here, but if he’s not, and those guys are still around…

Fuck, Scarlett, what have you gotten yourself into?

I want to curse myself for being so pigheaded about this. This isn’t a simple matter of emptying out some rich asshole’s safe. This is next-level stuff. Definitely way above my paygrade.

Fresh start, Scarlett.

Your child is going to have a different life, dammit!

Panic flutters in my chest, but I force myself to stay calm. This isn’t the time for fear. I need to stay focused, move quickly, and get out.

My ears strain to catch snippets of conversation, trying to piece together what’s happening. Every step I take brings me closer to the diamond, yet also to potential danger. Anton’s face flashes in my mind – those deep, gold-flecked eyes that see right through me. A wave of longing washes over me, threatening to drown my resolve.

What am I doing here?

Is it really just the diamond I want, or is it him?

The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. No. It’s not just about the diamond. Part of me wants to go back to Anton, to feel his strong arms around me, to be able to trust someone completely. Part of me wants to tell him everything that’s happened. To tell him about the baby.Ourbaby. But how can I reconcile that with the danger he represents? How can I keep both my child and myself safe? These questions tear at me, leaving me raw and exposed.

My body moves on autopilot, navigating around the building with ease. Making my way to the ventilation shaft and then sliding through it feels like second nature after a life spent doing this. Yet, the conflicting emotions within me war for dominance. I can’t afford to lose focus now. The diamond. Anton. Safety. Desire. Each thought tugs at my heart, threatening to unravel the fragile balance I’m trying so hard to maintain.

But I can’t let that happen. Not now. I have to finish this, for my team, for my own sake. And for my child.The child only I know about.

With renewed determination, I press on, drawing closer to the prize that will either set me free or bind me forever to a world that I no longer belong in – a world of crime that I don’t want for my baby, no matter how much I enjoyed growing up as the daughter of a skilled burglar. The stakes have never been higher, and in this game, there’s no room for hesitation.

Sliding from the shaft through an access point, I wait until I’m certain there are no footsteps below, then drop down soundlessly into the corridor. I reach the door to my old room, heart racing as I press my ear against it, listening for any signs of life. Silence greets me, and relief washes over me like a wave.

Carefully, I turn the knob and ease the door open, slipping inside and shutting it quietly behind me. The familiar surroundings bring back memories of stolen moments with Anton, our passion consuming us in this very room.

But now isn’t the time for reminiscing; there’s work to be done.

My fingers frantically search for the small drawer in the dresser where I’d hidden the diamond, adrenaline pumping through my veins. The seconds tick by, feeling like an eternity, until finally, success! The drawer slides open, revealing…the empty space where the diamond once lay.

What the hell?

I dig around deeper, then start pulling out adjoining drawers, anxiously searching for what I hid here. It’s not a huge dresser, but maybe I was mistaken. Maybe it slipped out. Fell through a crack or something. My search grows more frantic. I don’t have time for this now.

“Come on, come on!” I whisper under my breath.

“Looking for something?”A deep, guttural voice rumbles behind me, making me freeze in my tracks.

Shit! Fuck! Shit!

A movement catches my eye, and I whirl around to face the source of the voice.

A familiar shape is sitting casually in an armchair in the shadows, one knee crossed over the other. His broad chest and shoulders contract as he exhales. Sharp jaws clench and ice clinks as he raises a cut crystal glass to his lips, sipping something that looks like whiskey.

In his other hand, something glitters, pink and shimmering.

My eyes feel huge as I stare at him in the darkness. So familiar. So…so…

