Page 29 of Crimson Wrath

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“Of course not. But involving Scarlett…it’s dangerous.”

“Everything we do is dangerous, Luka.” My jaw clenches as I struggle to keep my temper in check. “We need help to save Nikolai. Wherever it comes from. She saved Niko once. She could do it again.”

“Or she could be our downfall,” he murmurs, his gaze shifting uneasily.

“Chert voz’mi!I have listened to enough from you, Luka.” My voice is low and deadly, a final warning. “We are friends, but you know who I am. Do not make me tell you again.”

“Fine, but mark my words, Anton. You’re making a mistake. You’re losing your mind over her.”

“Get out!” My fists clench at my sides, desperate to release the anger boiling within me. But I hold back, knowing that we don’t have time for this confrontation. “Gather the team in the meeting room. Everyone needs to be briefed before we leave.”

Luka nods reluctantly, turning to exit the room. He leaves without another word, and I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. My nerves are strung taught. Scarlett emerges from the bathroom moments later, now dressed in black and ready for action. The sight of her sends a jolt of desire through me, but I quickly shove it aside.

“Let’s go,” I say, my voice cold and detached. We have a mission to complete.

With quick strides forward, we make our way to the meeting room where the rest of the team awaits, each of them looking grim and determined. We all know what’s at stake. My son’s life hangs in the balance. Probably all of ours, too.

The tension in the air is thick enough to cut with a knife as we prepare for the battle ahead. And despite the doubts and fears that haunt me, I know one thing for certain:

I will stop at nothing to save my son.

Chapter 10


My heart hammers against my chest as I step into Anton’s meeting room.

The dim lighting casts shadows across the faces of the gathered men. The air is loaded with anticipation, and the scent of sweat and gun oil fills my nostrils.

What the hell am I getting myself into?

More importantly, what was I thinking? I’ve made promises to Anton without even consulting with my team.

Fuck you’re an idiot!

I rub the bridge of my nose and squeeze my eyes shut as I think this through. There’s no way I can expect them to get involved in this shitstorm for me. I’ll find a way to get Cody to tap into one of the systems and see what he can do remotely. I’m sure that could be possible.

I hope.

Now I’m torn between promises I’ve made, the obligation I feel to Niko and the fear of endangering the people I care for.


I glance around the room, taking in the heavy wooden table surrounded by equally imposing chairs. Dark crimson curtains drape the windows, allowing only slivers of light to filter through. It feels like a war room, here to plan Nikolai’s rescue. A room of loyal mercenaries who serve Anton Ulianov alone.

As Anton joins his men and begins barking out instructions, I fish out my phone from my pocket, dialing Carl’s number. I gnaw on my bottom lip as I wait for him to answer, anticipating the chewing-out I’m about to get.

“Scarlett!” his voice barks in answer on the first ring. “Jesus! Are you alright? I’ve been worried sick! We were ready to come in to get you.”

“Carl,” I say, my voice low as I pace the room. “I’m fine. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Nothing to worry about?” There’s a brief moment of relief in his voice before he continues quickly, “Wait. What do you mean? What’s going on over there? You went in there nearly two hours ago. You should be out by now. Where the fuck have you been?” The words come out rapid-fire. He’s struggling to make sense of this. Who could blame him? I am too.

“Carl, listen to me,” I begin, taking a deep breath. “I’ll explain everything later, but right now, I need your help. Anton’s son was kidnapped. I promised him that I’d help him get him back…but I’m going to need some of your special skills.” I hold my breath the moment I say it. There’s a second of silence. I’m guessing he’s processing this.

“Skills? To save Anton Ulianov’s son?” he finally says. “What are you talking about? You have to get out of there, Scar. We’re coming in!” He sounds confused.

“No!” I say sharply. The last thing I need is for Carl and Tony to come charging into this place, guns blazing. They’ll be killed before they could cross the gate. “No, don’t do that.”
