Page 30 of Crimson Wrath

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“Wait… Is this some trick?” His voice drops. “Scarlett, is that sicko making you say this? If he is, give me a sign. Or just say the words ‘Everything is A-OK, sugar.’ I’ll know you’re in trouble and we’ll get you out of there.”

“I won’t say that, Carl,” I whisper. “It really is okay, but I need you to listen to me. I need your help. If you can get Cody on board remotely to work some of his tech magic, I’ll be able to help Anton and his guys and then—”

“Help Anton and his guys?Scarlett, are you out of your mind?” His outrage crackles through the line, making me wince. “You want to work with the Bratva? With Anton Ulianov? He’s a psycho killer, for fuck’s sake. You’re in out of your depth!”

“He is not a psycho killer, dammit!” I stop myself because he kind of is. But that’s not the point right now. “Listen to me, Carl.” My grip tightens on the phone. “We have history together, you and I. Have I ever led you wrong?”

“Never,” he admits, his voice softer now.

“Then trust me this time, too,” I plead, desperation lacing my words. “There’s a kid’s life at stake. A little boy, Carl. He’s barely five years old.” I pause as I try to explain this. “I… Look the details are a bit hazy, but he’s been abducted by a guy called Sergei Volkov and—”

“Sergei Volkov? The mob boss? That guy’s on the FBI’s most wanted list! What the actual fuck, Scarlett??” Carl’s voice is so loud on the line that several of the men around me turn to stare. I tuck the phone closer to my ear and move farther away.

“Could you just calm down and listen to me for a moment,” I try again.

“Calm down?? Scarlett, do you have any idea how much trouble you’ve gotten yourself into?”

“I’m not in any trouble,” I lie. “But there’s a little boy who is.” I feel my heart clench. “Please, Carl. This is kind of my fault. Sort of.” I’m not taking full responsibility. “I can’t just let this go. I’ll never live with myself. And if anything happens to that boy, you won’t either. I’m not leaving here until I know I’ve done right by him. All I need is a couple of hours of Cody’s time.”

I hear him huff down the line. “Damn you, woman. You really know how to push my goddamned buttons.”

“Then say yes.” I hold my breath.

“No,” he says, and my heart plummets. “I’m not letting you do this alone.”

“But Carl-”

“I’m coming in with you,” he adds. There’s a muffled sound in the background as words are exchanged. “And Tony is coming too.”

“What?” I squawk. “No, Carl! That’s not a good idea!”

“Yeah, like leaving you with that lunatic is any better?” His tone tells me that there’s no point in arguing. “If Ulianov wants Cody on this gig, we come as a package deal. And if I see any sign that we can’t trust these fuckers, I’m pulling the plug.”

I’m a mess of conflicting emotions. Gratitude for what he’s offering. Fear about the danger we’ll all be in. And a lingering doubt…

Can I truly trust Anton?

It’s too late to be asking that question now.

“Are you absolutely sure about all of this Scar?” Carl says, interrupting my thoughts.

“I am,” I reply before I could start doubting myself again.

“Then give us thirty,” Carl goes on. “I’ll get things set up.” He cuts the call before I can thank him. But there will be time for that later. If we survive this nightmare.

I turn back to the others in the room, watching as Anton briefs his men. They may look like a gathering of human mountains, but he commands the room like he was born to it. I move to a quiet corner, sink into a chair and observe him doing what he does best. Time ticks by and I find myself fixated by the movements of his hands, the tight line of his jaw, the way his eyes grow intent.

Fuck, he’s so damn sexy.

Looking at him feels self-indulgent. But it’s a self-indulgence I don’t get to enjoy because suddenly there’s a commotion in the hallway.

“Boss!” someone calls out. “They said they’re expected!”

Voices rise, and then the door swings open, revealing Carl and the rest of my heist team.

What the fuck?!

Jess walks in first, her green eyes assessing the situation. Behind her, Cody saunters in, smirking at the hardened criminals filling the room. Art follows with a stoic expression while Tony trails behind, a frown etched on his face.
