Page 32 of Crimson Wrath

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“Bruh! I can slay it!” Cody is pulling up a chair. The light of his screen is already glowing from his hand. I narrow my eyes at him. “Sure thing, Mr. Ulianov, sir. Easy as pie,” he corrects himself.

“Fine.” Anton nods, finally looking as if he thinks this might work. His eyes lock onto mine, and suddenly there’s nothing in the world that I’d rather do than prove myself to him.

Okay, maybe there’s one other thing I’d rather do more. But this isn’t exactly the time and place for that.

Besides, we literally just did that barely an hour ago. And fuck it was so damn good.

That’s enough, Scarlett!

“Alright, everyone,” Anton announces to the room, totally unaware that my girlparts are clenching at the sound of his voice. “Time is running out. We move fast; we stay sharp.” The energy in the room is like a tightly wound spring, ready to snap at any moment.

As we gather our gear and make last-minute preparations, I can’t help but steal glances at Anton. His strong jaw clenches as he barks orders, and there’s a fierce determination in his eyes that sends shivers down my spine. He’s doing this for his son, and as a soon-to-be mother, that tugs at my heartstrings. But I know it’s more than that. There’s something between us. Some inexplicable connection that neither of us can deny.

“Scarlett,” Carl pulls me aside, looking concerned. “Are you still sure about this?” He’s not just talking about the plan; he’s asking yet again if I trust Anton.

“Carl,” I respond, gripping his arm firmly. “I’ve never led you astray before, have I?” My voice is strong and steady. “Trust me on this one. Anton’s not the enemy.”

“Okay,” Carl concedes reluctantly, but his eyes still hold a hint of doubt. “But remember, you’re not in this alone. You’ve got us.”

“You didn’t need to come here,” I say, wishing there weren’t so many ears around so we could have this conversation properly.

“Don’t insult me, Scarlett.” He keeps his voice low. “How long have we been working together? You think I’d leave you now? You think any of us would?”

I’m so moved that I have to swallow a lump in my throat before I answer. “Thank you,” I whisper, touched by his loyalty. “Thank you for doing this.”

He shrugs as if it’s nothing, and then turns back to the others. The two teams file out of the meeting room, each person focused and determined. The atmosphere is charged with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. As we load into the waiting vehicles, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I glance up to see Anton standing over me, his eyes searching mine.

“Stick close to me,” he says, his voice barely audible above the hum of the engine. “And be careful.”

“Always am,” I reply with a small smile, masking the surge of emotion his concern incites. It’s a simple gesture, but it means everything. We may come from different worlds, but for one night, we’re united in a common goal: to save Nikolai.

I stare after him as he strides away, pretty sure I might be drooling, but I don’t care.

“Stop simping over that dude, Scar. It’s too cringe.”

I give a little start, not expecting Cody to pop up so abruptly. “Cody! English!”

“You’re making an ass of yourself over that old guy, bruh,” he says.

Old guy?

If he’s talking about the strands of silver that touch Anton’s temples, he’s got it wrong. I think it’s hot as hell.

Head in the game, Scarlett!

“Don’t worry. We’ve got this.” It’s Jess now, her hand brushing my arm. I run an eye around my ragtag team of colleagues – each so gifted in their own special way.

“I don’t know what to say…” I start.

“You already said it, kid.” Art’s face furrows into a smile. “We’re not destined to live like magpies stealing shiny things,” he echoes my own words at me. “That diamond means a new life for all of us. And if it means a little action to get that pinned down, then I’m all for it. It’s what your Pops would do.”

The mention of my father makes my chest ache. Looking at this little group does that too.

This will be my child’s family. They might be thieves, but they’re good people.

“Just swear you’ll do everything you can not to die out there, okay?” Jess grins at me, but there’s an undertone of concern in her words.

“I will. I promise.” It’s all I need to say to have them meeting my eye and confirming what I’ve known all along. These are my people. They’ll go to war for me tonight. They follow me now as I head to a waiting SUV and climb in without a word.
