Page 33 of Crimson Wrath

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As the convoy of vehicles races through the dark streets, I can’t help but wonder what will happen when this is all over. Will Anton’s trust in me fade as quickly as it appeared? Or will we find ourselves entwined in something far more dangerous than either of us ever anticipated?

And as for my team? I just pray I’m not dragging them through the gates of hell…with Anton Ulianov leading the way.

Chapter 11


We kill the headlights minutes after we turn off the interstate and cruise onto the side road that leads to Volkov’s lair. We stop as we approach a chain link fence that runs across our path.

And there it is.

The construction site looms before us like a beast. It's a skeleton of metal and concrete hidden within the shadows. A maze of scaffolding snakes its way around half-built structures, creating a foreboding labyrinth that threatens to swallow us whole. The sight of it makes the hairs on the back of my neck prickle up.

“You good, boss?” It’s Luka beside me.

“Da.” I nod curtly. I wish it were true.

I fucking hate this place.

Even now I can hear the screams and desperate pleas of the people already buried here, encased in concrete tombs that will hide Volkov’s dirty secrets forever.

He plans to make Niko one of them.


Adrenaline heats my veins, and apprehension coils in my gut. The bastard will pay with is life.

As the vehicle pulls to a halt, I slide out of the passenger seat and walk around to the trunk, where Luka is doling out weapons. More of our men pile out of the other vehicles, among them Scarlett and her team. They’re an odd bunch, no doubt. But they’re smart and loyal. I value that among fighters.

She comes to my side, her eyes scanning the area with a steely fierceness that both impresses and worries me. She’s putting herself and her team in harm’s way because of me, yet I can’t help but wonder if she’ll ever truly trust me.

Or I her.

“Ready?” Scarlett asks, her gaze never leaving the construction site.

“Da,” I reply, nodding in agreement.

I gesture to the men to move forward. We all gather at the entrance, weapons ready, every face steely and focused.

“Listen, everyone,” I begin keeping my voice low, mentally going over the blueprints we’d studied. “Scarlett and I will enter through the main stairwell while Ivan and his men come in around the back. Luka, you, Art and Carl will fall in behind us and cover our escape route. Remember, Volkov is cunning – expect the unexpected.”

Nods and murmurs of agreement ripple through the group. Aside from a raised eyebrow as I announce that I’ll be teaming with Scarlett, Luka says nothing. Smart man.

Steadying my breathing, I steal a glance at Scarlett, who returns a tight smile.

“Let’s bring Niko home,” she says, her voice soft yet resolute. She turns to her team. “Let’s go.” She gestures for them to move forward, then looks over at the woman and the kid who will make or break this for us. “Jess, Cody, you know what to do.”

The two of them nod, their fingers already working furiously on their gadgets as they begin cutting communications and video surveillance.

Time to face the filth of my past.

And bring my son home.

Taking a deep breat, I brace myself as I step forward toward the stairwell with Scarlett beside me. Art and Carl join Luka, disappearing into the darkness behind us, while Ivan and his men spread out to flank the other side of the site. Every sound clangs through my head like a klaxon as I wait for threats to appear from the shadows.

It doesn’t take long before I see the motherfuckers.

The amber glow of a cigarette is marked by the acrid stink of tobacco. Two men are standing in the dim light beside a steel column, talking quietly as they keep guard. There’s a semi-automatic rifle slung over one’s shoulder. The other is holding his in his hand.
