Page 53 of Crimson Wrath

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“Why not?” I yell. Fucking Carl needs to stop stalling and start getting shit done. I’m about to grab him by his shirt when he opens his mouth to speak.

“When we…uh…appropriated the gem, there was an issue.” Carl runs a hand over his close-cropped hair. “Scarlett saw something she shouldn’t have.”

“For fuck’s sake, get to the point!” I’ve run out of patience.

“Cartwright murdered someone. Scarlett saw it all go down.” Carl puffs out his cheeks. “He’s not going to let her go, Anton.”

“What?” I’m trying to process this.

“It’s a trick. I’m sure of it.” Carl looks around at the others, and I see understanding dawning. “Even if we give him the diamond…” He won’t make eye contact.

Luka looks at me. “He’s going to kill her.”

Chapter 18


My eyelids snap open and I blink against the dim light filtering through the dirty window.

It casts an eerie glow over the peeling wallpaper and worn furniture in this shabby room. The musty smell of damp wood and mold fills my nostrils, making it hard to breathe.


I can’t move!

Panic rises in my chest, but I force it down, refusing to let fear control me. It’s not easy. Not when you’re bound and gagged so tight you can barely catch a breath.

This morning, I’d woken early, with Anton beside me, and decided to go for a run to clear my head after all that had happened. This thing between us – whatever it is – has left my head in a clusterfuck of confusion. So, I thought some fresh air would help me clear my head. Turns out it was a very bad idea. The next thing I knew, I’d been struck from behind as I loped through the shade of a grove of trees.

And now, here I am.

It seems almost ridiculous. After all we’ve been through, I shouldn’t get knocked out and abducted while freaking jogging!

I really need to get out of this habit.

As I struggle against the ropes cutting into my wrists, a familiar face comes into focus. I recognize him immediately.


The jerk from the bar the night I met Anton, is casually leaning against the cracked doorframe, a cruel smile twisting his lips.

My heart starts hammering with sudden fury.

“Look who finally decided to join the party,” he sneers, crossing the room toward me. My eyes narrow at him, my mind racing to figure out why he’s here. Is he the one who took me? But why would he do that? Who is this guy, anyway?

I growl at him through the filthy rag that’s been shoved into my mouth, and he chuckles.

“Cat got your tongue, baby girl?” he smirks. I shoot daggers at him with my eyes.

When he roughly yanks the gag from my mouth, I cough and grimace to get the disgusting taste off my tongue.

“What the fuck do you want with me?” I finally manage to grind out.

“Bet you didn’t think you’d see me again, huh?” He ignores the question and laughs, a harsh, mocking sound that grates on my nerves. “Who knew a hot little piece of ass like you would piss off someone like Victor Cartwright?”

“Cartwright?” My heart almost skips a beat at the mention of the name. If this is about Cartwright, I’m in bigger shit than I thought. “Screw you, Hector!”

“That’s not very nice.” He taps the tip of my nose and I snap my teeth at him. It’s the only way I can show him how much he disgusts me. “Rumor has it someone’s been a bad, bad girl,” He goes on. “I wonder if your boyfriend knows what you’ve been up to, little thief.”
